Functions in FPP

This page is devoted to the various functions supported by FPP. The list of supported function is not complete and may well grow.

Support is more complete for the type REAL_8. This reflects the fact that users should use polymorphic types rather than taylor series.

  1. exp and log
  2. cosh
  3. sinh
  4. tanh
  5. sqrt
  6. cos and cosd
  7. sin and sind
  8. tan and tand
  9. acos
  10. asin
  11. atan and atand
  12. atan2 and atan2d
  13. sinx_x and sinhx_x  ( sin(x)/x and cos(x)/x )
  14. abs and full_abs ( full_abs is an extension of abs on taylor series)
  15. dble
  16. real and aimag
  17. cmplx