

MAD-X releases

MAD-X previous releases

MAD-X local install

The following instructions assume that you downloaded the last 64 bit release from the release repository.

On Linux (all distributions)


On Windows

The same instructions can be followed for installing 32 bit releases and the numdiff tool (required to run MAD-X tests suites).

MAD-X on lxplus.cern.ch

MAD-X releases can be run on lxplus.cern.ch (AFS) by specifying the absolute path


(shortcut ~mad/bin) in the command or by adding it to your PATH environment variable.

The following binaries and aliases are provided:

madx          current release
madx_prev     previous release
madx_build    nightly release (at your own risk)
madx_old      older stable release

MAD-X previous releases can be run on AFS by specifying the version number m.pp.dd (e.g. 5.00.12) after the releases path


The alternate paths for MAD versions are deprecated but should still work (unmodified).


For interactive use of MAD-X on lxplus, it is convenient to wrap madx into the rlwrap application (see resources).

Old MADs on lxplus.cern.ch

The old versions of MAD, namely mad8 and mad9, are available in the same directory path


mad8 requires a dictionnary file named dict that can be copied from the file mad8.dict from this repository.

The unsupported old releases of MAD can be downloaded from the