

The MAD team can be contacted for any question by email at mad support.

Answering question can be very complex with MAD-X and finding effective answer can take a significant amount of time, so we will do our best to answer accurately within a reasonable amount of time.

Bug reports should be supported by self contained minimalistic examples that exhibit the unexpected behavior with the last releases, provided that it is not an issue already recorded in the issues tracking system.

The MAD community can be contacted through the e-groups described in this page, which require to be a member for posting and receiving emails. Membership subscription can be directly performed by CERN users through the e-groups system, or by contacting the MAD team.

Public annoucement

The e-group mad-pub (wide audience, very low bandwidth) is recommended for any official announcement like new releases, and includes automatically all members of the mad-usr and be-dep-abp e-groups.

Users information

The e-group mad-usr (medium audience, low bandwidth) is recommended for MAD users to publish bug reports, feature requests, documentation improvement or simply share ideas and information. This e-group automatically includes all members of the mad-dev and be-dep-abp-hss e-groups.

Developers information

The e-group mad-dev (small audience, low-to-medium bandwidth) is recommended for technical discussions between MAD developpers.

To receive the nightly build and test reports, you must subscribe to mad-src.

Note that the e-groups mad-trc is obsolete and replaced by the notifications system.