Random Numbers

The module gmath provides few Pseudo-Random Number Generators (PRNGs).The defaut implementation is the Xoshiro256** (XOR/shift/rotate) variant of the XorShift PRNG familly [XORSHFT03], an all-purpose, rock-solid generator with a period of \(2^{256}-1\) that supports long jumps of period \(2^{128}\). This PRNG is also the default implementation of recent versions of Lua (not LuaJIT, see below) and GFortran. See https://prng.di.unimi.it for details about Xoshiro/Xoroshiro PRNGs.

The module math of LuaJIT provides an implementation of the Tausworthe PRNG [TAUSWTH96], which has a period of \(2^{223}\) but doesn’t support long jumps, and hence uses a single global PRNG.

The module gmath also provides an implementation of the simple global PRNG of MAD-X for comparison.

It’s worth mentionning that none of these PRNG are cryptographically secure generators, they are nevertheless superior to the commonly used Mersenne Twister PRNG [MERTWIS98], with the exception of the MAD-X PRNG.

All PRNG functions (except constructors) are wrappers around PRNG methods with the same name, and expect an optional PRNG prng_ as first parameter. If this optional PRNG prng_ is omitted, i.e. not provided, these functions will use the current global PRNG by default.



Return a new Xoshiro256** PRNG with a period of \(2^{128}\) that is garuanteed to not overlapp with any other Xoshiro256** PRNGs, unless it is initialized with a seed.


Return a new MAD-X PRNG initialized with default seed 123456789. Hence, all new MAD-X PRNG will generate the same sequence until they are initialized with a user-defined seed.



Set the current global PRNG to prng (if provided) and return the previous global PRNG.


Return true if a is a PRNG, false otherwise. This function is also available from the module MAD.typeid.


Return true if a is a MAD-X PRNG, false otherwise. This function is only available from the module MAD.typeid.


All methods are also provided as functions from the module MAD.gmath for convenience. If the PRNG is not provided, the current global PRNG is used instead.

randseed([prng_, ] seed)

Set the seed of the PRNG prng to seed.


Return a new pseudo-random number in the range [0, 1) from the PRNG prng.


Return a new pseudo-random number in the range of a u64_t from the PRNG prng (u32_t for the MAD-X PRNG), see C API below for details.


Return a new pseudo-random gaussian number in the range [-inf, +inf] from the PRNG prng by using the Box-Muller transformation (Marsaglia’s polar form) to a peuso-random number in the range [0, 1).

randtn([prng_, ] cut_)

Return a new truncated pseudo-random gaussian number in the range [-cut_, +cut_] from the PRNG prng by using iteratively the method prng:randn(). This simple algorithm is actually used for compatibility with MAD-X. Default: cut_ = +inf.

randp([prng_, ] lmb_)

Return a new pseudo-random poisson number in the range [0, +inf] from the PRNG prng with parameter \(\lambda > 0\) by using the inverse transform sampling method on peuso-random numbers. Default: lmb_ = 1.



Return an ipairs iterator suitable for generic for loops. The generated values are those returned by prng:rand().


type prng_state_t
type xrng_state_t

The Xoshiro256** and the MAD-X PRNG types.

num_t mad_num_rand(prng_state_t*)

Return a pseudo-random double precision float in the range [0, 1).

u64_t mad_num_randi(prng_state_t*)

Return a pseudo-random 64 bit unsigned integer in the range [0, ULLONG_MAX].

void mad_num_randseed(prng_state_t*, num_t seed)

Set the seed of the PRNG.

void mad_num_randjump(prng_state_t*)

Apply a jump to the PRNG as if \(2^{128}\) pseudo-random numbers were generated. Hence PRNGs with different number of jumps will never overlap. This function is applied to new PRNGs with an incremental number of jumps.

num_t mad_num_xrand(xrng_state_t*)

Return a pseudo-random double precision float in the range [0, 1) from the MAD-X PRNG.

u32_t mad_num_xrandi(xrng_state_t*)

Return a pseudo-random 32 bit unsigned integer in the range [0, UINT_MAX] from the MAD-X PRNG.

void mad_num_xrandseed(xrng_state_t*, u32_t seed)

Set the seed of the MAD-X PRNG.


  1. Marsaglia, “Xorshift RNGs”, Journal of Statistical Software, 8 (14), July 2003. doi:10.18637/jss.v008.i14.

  1. L’Ecuyer, “Maximally Equidistributed Combined Tausworthe Generators”, Mathematics of Computation, 65 (213), 1996, p203–213.

  1. Matsumoto and T. Nishimura, “Mersenne Twister: A 623-dimensionally equidistributed uniform pseudorandom number generator”. ACM Trans. on Modeling and Comp. Simulation, 8 (1), Jan. 1998, p3–30.