Beta0 Blocks

The beta0 object is the root object of beta0 blocks that store information relative to the phase space at given positions, e.g. initial conditions, Poincaré section.

The beta0 module extends the typeid module with the is_beta0 function, which returns true if its argument is a beta0 object, false otherwise.


The beta0 object provides the following attributes:


A string specifying the name of the particle. (default: "positron").


The beta0 object provides the following methods:


A method ([file]) displaying the content of the particles database to file (default: io.stdout).


The beta0 object provides the following metamethods:


A metamethod () returning self after having processed the attributes with the special protect-and-update mechanism, where the order of the updates is undefined. It also creates new particle on-the-fly if the mass and the charge are defined, and then select it.

The following attribute is stored with metamethods in the metatable, but has different purpose:


A unique private reference that characterizes beta0 blocks.

