
The element object is the root object of all elements used to model particle accelerators, including sequences and drifts. It provides most default values inherited by all elements.

The element module extends the typeid module with the is_element function, which returns true if its argument is an element object, false otherwise.


The classes defined by the element module are organized according to the kinds and the roles of their instances. The classes defining the kinds are:


The thin elements have zero-length and their physics does not depend on it, i.e. the attribute l is discarded or forced to zero in the physics.


The thick elements have a length and their physics depends on it. Elements like sbend, rbend, quadrupole, solenoid, and elseparator trigger a runtime error if they have zero-length. Other thick elements will accept to have zero-length for compatibility with MAD-X [1] , but their physics will have to be adjusted. [2]


The drift elements have a length with a drift-like physics if \(l\geq\) minlen [3] otherwise they are discarded or ignored. Any space between elements with a length \(l\geq\) minlen are represented by an implicit drift created on need by the \(s\)-iterator of sequences and discarded afterward.


The patch elements have zero-length and the purpose of their physics is to change the reference frame.


The extern elements are never part of sequences. If they are present in a sequence definition, they are expanded and replaced by their content, i.e. stay external to the lattice.


The special elements have special roles like marking places (i.e. maker) or branching sequences (i.e. slink).

These classes are not supposed to be used directly, except for extending the hierarchy defined by the element module and schematically reproduced hereafter to help users understanding:

thin_element = element  'thin_element' { is_thin    = true }
thick_element = element 'thick_element' { is_thick   = true }
drift_element = element 'drift_element' { is_drift   = true }
patch_element = element 'patch_element' { is_patch   = true }
extrn_element = element 'extrn_element' { is_extern  = true }
specl_element = element 'specl_element' { is_special = true }

sequence    = extrn_element 'sequence'    { }
assembly    = extrn_element 'assembly'    { }
bline       = extrn_element 'bline'       { }

marker      = specl_element 'marker'      { }
slink       = specl_element 'slink'       { }

drift       = drift_element 'drift'       { }
collimator  = drift_element 'collimator'  { }
instrument  = drift_element 'instrument'  { }
placeholder = drift_element 'placeholder' { }

sbend       = thick_element 'sbend'       { }
rbend       = thick_element 'rbend'       { }
quadrupole  = thick_element 'quadrupole'  { }
sextupole   = thick_element 'sextupole'   { }
octupole    = thick_element 'octupole'    { }
decapole    = thick_element 'decapole'    { }
dodecapole  = thick_element 'dodecapole'  { }
solenoid    = thick_element 'solenoid'    { }
tkicker     = thick_element 'tkicker'     { }
wiggler     = thick_element 'wiggler'     { }
elseparator = thick_element 'elseparator' { }
rfcavity    = thick_element 'rfcavity'    { }
genmap      = thick_element 'genmap'      { }

beambeam    = thin_element  'beambeam'    { }
multipole   = thin_element  'multipole'   { }

xrotation   = patch_element 'xrotation'   { }
yrotation   = patch_element 'yrotation'   { }
srotation   = patch_element 'srotation'   { }
translate   = patch_element 'translate'   { }
changeref   = patch_element 'changeref'   { }
changedir   = patch_element 'changedir'   { }
changenrj   = patch_element 'changenrj'   { }

-- specializations
rfmultipole = rfcavity      'rfmultipole' { }
crabcavity  = rfmultipole   'crabcavity'  { }

monitor     = instrument     'monitor'    { }
hmonitor    = monitor       'hmonitor'    { }
vmonitor    = monitor       'vmonitor'    { }

kicker      = tkicker        'kicker'     { }
hkicker     =  kicker       'hkicker'     { }
vkicker     =  kicker       'vkicker'     { }

All the classes above, including element, define the attributes kind = name and is_name = true where name correspond to the class name. These attributes help to identify the kind and the role of an element as shown in the following code excerpt:

local drift, hmonitor, sequence in MAD.element
local dft = drift    {}
local bpm = hmonitor {}
local seq = sequence {}
print(dft.kind)              -- display: drift
print(dft.is_drift)          -- display: true
print(dft.is_drift_element)  -- display: true
print(bpm.kind)              -- display: hmonitor
print(bpm.is_hmonitor)       -- display: true
print(bpm.is_monitor)        -- display: true
print(bpm.is_instrument)     -- display: true
print(bpm.is_drift_element)  -- display: true
print(bpm.is_element)        -- display: true
print(bpm.is_drift)          -- display: true
print(bpm.is_thick_element)  -- display: nil (not defined = false)
print(seq.kind)              -- display: sequence
print(seq.is_element)        -- display: true
print(seq.is_extrn_element)  -- display: true
print(seq.is_thick_element)  -- display: nil (not defined = false)


The element object provides the following attributes:


A number specifying the physical length of the element on the design orbit [m]. (default: 0).


A number specifying the field length of the element on the design orbit considered by the radiation [m]. (default: lrad = \s -> s.l).


A number specifying the bending angle \(\alpha\) of the element [rad]. A positive angle represents a bend to the right, i.e. a \(-y\)-rotation towards negative x values. (default: 0).


A number specifying the physical tilt of the element [rad]. All the physical quantities defined by the element are in the tilted frame, except misalign that comes first when tracking through an element, see the track command for details. (default: 0).


A string specifying the integration model "DKD" or "TKT" to use when tracking through the element and overriding the command attribute, see the track command for details. (default: cmd.model).


A number specifying the integration order 2, 4, 6, or 8 to use when tracking through the element and overriding the command attribute, see the track command for details. (default: cmd.method).


A number specifying the number of slices or a list of increasing relative positions or a callable (elm, mflw, lw) returning one of the two previous kind of positions specification to use when tracking through the element and overriding the command attribute, see the survey or the track commands for details. (default: cmd.nslice).


A string holding one of "entry", "centre" or "exit", or a number specifying a position in [m] from the start of the element, all of them resulting in an offset to substract to the at attribute to find the \(s\)-position of the element entry when inserted in a sequence, see element positions for details. (default: nil \(\equiv\) seq.refer).


A mappable specifying aperture attributes, see Aperture for details. (default: {kind='circle', 1}).


A string specifying the aperture type, see Aperture for details. (default: \s -> s.aperture.kind or 'circle'). [4]


A mappable specifying misalignment attributes, see Misalignment for details. (default: nil)

The thick_element object adds the following multipolar and fringe fields attributes:

knl, ksl

A list specifying respectively the multipolar and skew integrated strengths of the element [m\(^{-i+1}\)]. (default: {}).

dknl, dksl

A list specifying respectively the multipolar and skew integrated strengths errors of the element [m\(^{-i+1}\)]. (default: {}).

e1, e2

A number specifying respectively the horizontal angle of the pole faces at entry and exit of the element [rad]. A positive angle goes toward inside the element, see Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. (default: 0).

h1, h2

A number specifying respectively the horizontal curvature of the pole faces at entry and exit of the element [m\(^{-1}\)]. A positive curvature goes toward inside the element. (default: 0).


A number specifying half of the vertical gap at the center of the pole faces of the element [m]. (default: 0).


A number specifying the fringe field integral at entrance of the element. (default: 0).


A number specifying the fringe field integral at exit of the element. (default: fint).


A number specifying the bitmask to activate fringe fields of the element, see Flags for details. (default: 0).


A number specifying the maximum order for multipolar fringe fields of the element. (default: 2).


A logical specifying to kill the entry fringe fields of the element. (default: false).


A logical specifying to kill the entry fringe fields of the element. (default: false).

f1, f2

A number specifying quadrupolar fringe field first and second parameter of SAD. (default: 0).


The element object provides the following methods:


A method ([flg]) to select the element for the flags flg (default: selected).


A method ([flg]) to deselect the element for the flags flg (default: selected).


A method ([flg]) to test the element for the flags flg (default: selected).


A method () to test if the element is disabled, which is equivalent to call the method is_selected(disabled).


A method () to test if the element is observed, which is equivalent to call the method is_selected(observed).


A method () to test if the element is implicit, which is equivalent to call the method is_selected(implicit).

The drift_element and thick_element objects provide the following extra methods, see sub-elements for details about the sat attribute:


A method (sat, [cmp]) returning the lowest index idx (starting from 1) of the first sub-element with a relative position from the element entry that compares true with the number sat using the optional callable cmp(sat, self[idx].sat) (default: "=="), or #self+1. In the presence of multiple equal positions, "<=" (resp. ">=") will return the lowest index of the position while "<" (resp. ">") the lowest index next to the position for ascending (resp. descending) order.


A method (elm, [cmp]) returning the element after inserting the sub-element elm at the index determined by :index_sat(elm.sat, [cmp]) using the optional callable cmp (default: "<").


A method (elm) returning the replaced sub-element found at the index determined by :index_sat(elm.sat) by the new sub-element elm, or nil.


A method (sat) returning the removed sub-element found at the index determined by :index_sat(sat), or nil.


The element object provides the following metamethods:


A metamethod () overloading the length operator # to return the number of subelements in the list part of the element.


A metamethod (obj) overloading the binary operator + to build a bline object from the juxtaposition of two elements.


A metamethod (n) overloading the binary operator * to build a bline object from the repetition of an element n times, i.e. one of the two operands must be a number.


A metamethod (n) overloading the unary operator - to build a bline object from the turning of an element, i.e. reflect the element.


A metamethod () returning a string built from the element information, e.g. print(monitor 'bpm' {}) display the string ":monitor: 'bpm' memory-address".

The operators overloading of elements allows to unify sequence and beamline definitions in a consistent and simple way, noting that sequence and bline are (external) elements too.

The following attribute is stored with metamethods in the metatable, but has different purpose:


A unique private reference that characterizes elements.


Some elements define new attributes or override the default values provided by the root object element. The following subsections describe the elements supported by MAD-NG.


The sbend element is a sector bending magnet with a curved reference system as shown in Fig. 3, and defines or overrides the following attributes:


A number specifying the dipolar strength of the element [\(\mathrm{m}^{-1}\)]. (default: k0 = \s -> s.angle/s.l). [5] [6]


A number specifying the dipolar skew strength of the element [m\(^{-1}\)]. (default: 0).

k1, k1s

A number specifying respectively the quadrupolar and skew strengths of the element [m\(^{-2}\)]. (default: 0).

k2, k2s

A number specifying respectively the sextupolar and skew strengths of the element [m\(^{-3}\)]. (default: 0).


Set to flag fringe.bend to activate the fringe fields by default, see Flags for details.


Fig. 3 Reference system for a sector bending magnet.


The rbend element is a rectangular bending magnet with a straight reference system as shown in Fig. 4, and defines or overrides the following attributes:


A number specifying the dipolar strength of the element [\(\mathrm{m}^{-1}\)]. (default: k0 = \s -> s.angle/s.l). [5] [6]


A number specifying the dipolar skew strength of the element [m\(^{-1}\)]. (default: 0).

k1, k1s

A number specifying respectively the quadrupolar and skew strengths of the element [m\(^{-2}\)]. (default: 0).

k2, k2s

A number specifying respectively the sextupolar and skew strengths of the element [m\(^{-3}\)]. (default: 0).


Set to flag fringe.bend to activate the fringe fields by default, see Flags for details.


A logical specifying if this rbend element behaves like (false) a sbend element with parallel pole faces, i.e. \(e_1=e_2=\alpha/2\) in Fig. 3 , or like (true) a rectangular bending magnet with a straight reference system as shown in Fig. 4. (default: false). [6]


Fig. 4 Reference system for a rectangular bending magnet.


The quadrupole element is a straight focusing element and defines the following attributes:

k0, k0s

A number specifying respectively the dipolar and skew strengths of the element [m\(^{-1}\)]. (default: 0).

k1, k1s

A number specifying respectively the quadrupolar and skew strengths of the element [m\(^{-2}\)]. (default: 0).

k2, k2s

A number specifying respectively the sextupolar and skew strengths of the element [m\(^{-3}\)]. (default: 0).


The sextupole element is a straight element and defines the following attributes:

k2, k2s

A number specifying respectively the sextupolar and skew strengths of the element [m\(^{-3}\)]. (default: 0).


The octupole element is a straight element and defines the following attributes:

k3, k3s

A number specifying respectively the octupolar and skew strengths of the element [m\(^{-4}\)]. (default: 0).


The decapole element is a straight element and defines the following attributes:

k4, k4s

A number specifying respectively the decapolar and skew strength of the element [m\(^{-5}\)]. (default: 0).


The dodecapole element is a straight element and defines the following attributes:

k5, k5s

A number specifying respectively the dodecapolar and skew strength of the element [m\(^{-6}\)]. (default: 0).


The solenoid element defines the following attributes:

ks, ksi

A number specifying respectively the strength [rad/m] and the integrated strength [rad] of the element. A positive value points toward positive \(s\). (default: 0).


The multipole element is a thin element and defines the following attributes:

knl, ksl

A list specifying respectively the multipolar and skew integrated strengths of the element [m\(^{-i+1}\)]. (default: {}).

dknl, dksl

A list specifying respectively the multipolar and skew integrated strengths errors of the element [m\(^{-i+1}\)]. (default: {}).


The tkicker element is the root object of kickers and defines or overrides the following attributes:


A number specifying the horizontal strength of the element [m\(^{-1}\)]. By convention, a kicker with a positive horizontal strength kicks in the direction of the reference orbit, e.g. hkick \(\equiv\) - knl[1]. (default: 0).


A number specifying the vertical strength of the element [m\(^{-1}\)]. By convention, a kicker with a positive vertical strength kicks toward the reference orbit, e.g. vkick \(\equiv\) ksl[1]. (default: 0).


Set to 2 if ptcmodel is not set to enforce pure momentum kick and avoid dipolar strength integration that would introduce dispersion.

Kicker, HKicker, VKicker

The kicker element inheriting from the tkicker element, is the root object of kickers involved in the orbit correction and defines the following attributes:

chkick, cvkick

A number specifying respectively the horizontal and vertical correction strength of the element set by the correct command [m\(^{-1}\)]. (default: ).

The hkicker (horizontal kicker) and vkicker (vertical kicker) elements define the following attribute:


A number specifying the strength of the element in its main direction [m\(^{-1}\)]. (default: ).

Monitor, HMonitor, VMonitor

The monitor element is the root object of monitors involved in the orbit correction and defines the following attributes:

mredx, mredy

A number specifying respectively the readout \(x\), \(y\)-offset error of the element [m]. The offset is added to the beam position during orbit correction (after scaling). (default: 0).

mresx, mresy

A number specifying respectively the readout \(x\), \(y\)-scaling error of the element. The scale factor multiplies the beam position by 1+mres (before offset) during orbit correction. [7] (default: 0).

The hmonitor (horizontal monitor) and vmonitor (vertical monitor) elements are specialisations inheriting from the monitor element.


The rfcavity element defines the following attributes:


A number specifying the peak RF voltage of the element [MV]. (default: 0).


A number specifying a non-zero RF frequency of the element [MHz]. (default: 0).


A number specifying the RF phase lag of the element in unit of \(2\pi\). (default: 0).


A number specifying the harmonic number of the element if freq is zero. (default: 0).


A number specifying the transverse focussing effects order of the element. (default: 0).


A logical specifying if the totalpath must be used in the element. (default: true).


The rfmultipole element defines the following attributes:

pnl, psl

A list specifying respectively the multipolar and skew phases of the element [rad]. (default: {}).

dpnl, dpsl

A list specifying respectively the multipolar and skew phases errors of the element [rad]. (default: {}).


The elseparator element defines the following attributes:

ex, ey

A number specifying respectively the electric field \(x\), \(y\)-strength of the element [MV/m]. (default: 0).

exl, eyl

A number specifying respectively the integrated electric field \(x\), \(y\)-strength of the element [MV]. (default: 0).


The wiggler element defines the following attributes: NYI, TBD


The beambeam element defines the following attributes: NYI, TBD


The genmap element defines the following attributes: [8]


A damap used for thick integration.


A callable (elm, mflw, lw) invoked before each step of thick integration to update the damap. (default: nil)


A number specifying the number of slices or a list of increasing relative positions or a callable (elm, mflw, lw) returning one of the two previous kind of positions specification to use when tracking through the element and overriding the command attribute, see the survey or the track commands for details. (default: 1).


The translate element is a patch element and defines the following attributes:

dx, dy, ds

A number specifying respectively \(x\), \(y\), \(s\)-translation of the reference frame [m]. (default: 0)

XRotation, YRotation, SRotation

The xrotation (rotation around \(x\)-axis), yrotation (rotation around \(y\)-axis) and srotation (rotation around \(s\)-axis) elements are patches element and define the following attribute:


A number specifying the rotation angle around the axis of the element [rad]. (default: 0).


The changeref element is a patch element and defines the following attributes:

dx, dy, ds

A number specifying respectively \(x\), \(y\), \(s\)-translation of the reference frame [m]. (default: 0)

dtheta, dphi, dpsi

A number specifying respectively \(y\), \(-x\), \(s\)-rotation of the reference frame applied in this order after any translation [rad]. (default: 0)


The changedir element is a patch element that reverses the direction of the sequence during the tracking.


The changenrj element is a patch element and defines the following attributes:


A number specifying the change by \(\delta_E\) of the reference beam energy [GeV]. The momenta of the particles or damaps belonging to the reference beam (i.e. not owning a beam) are updated, while other particles or damaps owning their beam are ignored. (default: 0)


The element module exposes the following object flags through MAD.element.flags to use in conjunction with the methods select and deselect: [10]


All bits zero.


Set if the element has been selected.


Set if the element has been disabled, e.g. for orbit correction.


Set if the element has been selected for observation, e.g. for output to TFS table. The $end markers are selected for observation by default, and commands with the observe attribute set to 0 discard this flag and consider all elements as selected for observation.


Set if the element is implicit, like the temporary implicit drifts created on-the-fly by the sequence \(s\)-iterator with indexes at half integers. This flag is used by commands with the implicit attribute.


Set if the element angle must be used by layout plot. This flag is useful to plot multiple sequence layouts around interaction points, like lhcb1 and lhcb2 around IP1 and IP5.

Fringe fields

The element module exposes the following flags through MAD.element.flags.fringe to control the elements fringe fields through their attribute fringe, or to restrict the activated fringe fields with the commands attribute fringe: [11]


All bits zero.


Control the element fringe fields for bending fields.


Control the element fringe fields for multipolar fields up to fringemax order.


Control the element fringe fields for rfcavity fields.


Control the element fringe fields for multipolar fields with extra terms for quadrupolar fields for compatibility with SAD.


Control the element fringe fields for combined bending and multipolar fields.


Control the element fringe fields for combined bending and multipolar fields with extra terms for quadrupolar fields for compatibility with SAD.

The element thick_element provides a dozen of attributes to parametrize the aforementionned fringe fields. Note that in some future, part of these attributes may be grouped into a mappable to ensure a better consistency of their parametrization.


An element can have thin or thick sub-elements stored in its list part, hence the length operator # returns the number of them. The attribute sat of sub-elements, i.e. read sub-at, is interpreted as their relative position from the entry of their enclosing main element, that is a fractional of its length. The positions of the sub-elements can be made absolute by dividing their sat attribute by the length of their main element using lambda expressions. The sub-elements are only considered and valid in the drift_element and thick_element kinds that implement the methods :index_sat, :insert_sat, :remove_sat, and :replace_sat to manage sub-elements from their sat attribute. The sequence method :install updates the sat attribute of the elements installed as sub-elements if the logical elements.subelem of the packed form is enabled, i.e. when the \(s\)-position determined by the at, from and refpos attributes falls inside a non-zero length element already installed in the sequence that is not an implicit drift. The physics of thick sub-elements will shield the physics of their enclosing main element along their length, unless they combine their attributes with those of their main element using lambda expressions to select some combined function physics.


All the apertures are mappable defined by the following attributes in the tilted frame of an element, see the track command for details:


A string specifying the aperture shape. (no default).


A number specifying the tilt angle of the aperture [rad]. (default: 0).

xoff, yoff

A number specifying the transverse \(x,y\)-offset of the aperture [m]. (default: 0).


A mappable specifying a smaller aperture [12] than the polygon aperture to use before checking the polygon itself to speed up the test. The attributes tilt, xoff and yoff are ignored and superseded by the ones of the polygon aperture. (default: nil).

The supported aperture shapes are listed hereafter. The parameters defining the shapes are expected to be in the list part of the apertures and defines the top-right sector shape, except for the polygon:


A square shape with one parameter defining the side half-length. It is the default aperture check with limits set to 1.


A rectangular shape with two parameters defining the \(x\), \(y\)-half lengths (default: 1 [m]).


A circular shape with one parameter defining the radius.


A elliptical shape with two parameters defining the \(x\), \(y\)-radii. (default: 1 [m]).


A rectangular shape intersected with a circular shape with three parameters defining the \(x\), \(y\)-half lengths and the radius. (default: 1 [m]).


A rectangular shape intersected with an elliptical shape with four parameters defining the \(x\), \(y\)-half lengths and the \(x\), \(y\)-radii.


A rectangular shape with corners rounded by an elliptical shape with four parameters defining the \(x\), \(y\)-half lengths and the corners \(x\), \(y\)-radii.


A rectangular shape with corners truncated by a triangular shape with four parameters defining the \(x\), \(y\)-half lengths and the triangle \(x\), \(y\)-side lengths. An octagon can model hexagon or diamond shapes by equating the triangle lengths to the rectangle half-lengths.


A polygonal shape defined by two vectors vx and vy holding the vertices coordinates. The polygon does not need to be convex, simple or closed, but in the latter case it will be closed automatically by joining the first and the last vertices.


A 6D bounding box with six parameters defining the upper limits of the absolute values of the six coordinates.

The following example defines new classes with three different aperture definitions:

local quadrupole in MAD.element
local mq = quadrupole 'mq' { l=1,                               -- new class
  aperture = { kind='racetrack',
               tilt=pi/2, xoff=1e-3, yoff=5e-4,                 -- attributes
               0.06,0.06,0.01,0.01 }                            -- parameters
local mqdiam = quadrupole 'mqdiam' { l=1,                       -- new class
  aperture = { kind='octagon', xoff=1e-3, yoff=1e-3,            -- attributes
               0.06,0.04,0.06,0.04 }                            -- parameters
local mqpoly = quadrupole 'mqpoly' { l=1,                       -- new class
  aperture = { kind='polygon', tilt=pi/2, xoff=1e-3, yoff=1e-3, -- attributes
               vx=vector{0.05, ...}, vy=vector{0, ...},         -- parameters
               aper={kind='circle', 0.05}                       -- 2nd aperture


The misalignments are mappable defined at the entry of an element by the following attributes, see the track command for details:

dx, dy, ds

A number specifying the \(x\), \(y\), \(s\)-displacement at the element entry [m], see Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 . (default: 0).


A number specifying the \(y\)-rotation angle (azimuthal) at the element entry [rad], see Fig. 5. (default: 0).


A number specifying the \(-x\)-rotation angle (elevation) at the entry of the element [rad], see Fig. 7 . (default: 0).


A number specifying the \(s\)-rotation angle (roll) at the element entry [rad], see Fig. 7 . (default: 0).

Two kinds of misalignments are available for a given element and summed beforehand:

  • The absolute misalignments of the element versus its local reference frame, also named permanent misalignments, and specified by its misalign attribute. These misalignments are always considered.

  • The relative misalignments of the element versus a given sequence, and specified by the sequence method :misalign. These misalignments are held by the sequence for the elemen, and can be enabled or disabled by the command settings.

The relative and absolute misalignments are applied in this order for the outward to inward direction.


Fig. 5 Displacements in the \((x, s)\) plane.


Fig. 6 Displacements in the \((y, s)\) plane.


Fig. 7 Displacements in the \((x, y)\) plane.
