
The MAD Sequences are objects convenient to describe accelerators lattices built from a list of elements with increasing s-positions. The sequences are also containers that provide fast access to their elements by referring to their indexes, s-positions, or (mangled) names, or by running iterators constrained with ranges and predicates.

The sequence object is the root object of sequences that store information relative to lattices.

The sequence module extends the typeid module with the is_sequence function, which returns true if its argument is a sequence object, false otherwise.


The sequence object provides the following attributes:


A number specifying the length of the sequence [m]. A nil will be replaced by the computed lattice length. A value greater or equal to the computed lattice length will be used to place the $end marker. Other values will raise an error. (default: nil).


A number holding one of 1 (forward) or -1 (backward) and specifying the direction of the sequence. [1] (default:~ 1)


A string holding one of "entry", "centre" or "exit" to specify the default reference position in the elements to use for their placement. An element can override it with its refpos attribute, see element positions for details. (default: nil \(\equiv\) "centre").


A number specifying the minimal length [m] when checking for negative drifts or when generating implicit drifts between elements in \(s\)-iterators returned by the method :siter. This attribute is automatically set to \(10^{-6}\) m when a sequence is created within the MADX environment. (default: \(10^{-6}\))


A mappable specifying the default aperture to consider when it’s missing at element level, e.g. in implicit drift. See Track command for default aperture.

Example: aperture = {kind='square', 10}.


An attached beam. (default: nil)

Warning: the following private and read-only attributes are present in all sequences and should never be used, set or changed; breaking this rule would lead to an undefined behavior:


A table containing all the private data of sequences.


A reference to the element registered with the :cycle method. (default: nil)


The sequence object provides the following methods:


A method (idx) returning the element stored at the positive index idx in the sequence, or nil.


A method (idx) returning the \(s\)-position at the entry of the element stored at the positive index idx in the sequence, or nil.


A method (idx) returning the \(s\)-position at the user-defined refpos offset of the element stored at the positive index idx in the sequence, or nil.


A method (idx) returning the length of the element stored at the positive index idx in the sequence, or nil.


A method (idx) returning a set specifying the misalignment of the element stored at the positive index idx in the sequence, or nil.


A method (idx) returning a positive index, or nil. If idx is negative, it is reflected versus the size of the sequence, e.g. -1 becomes #self, the index of the $end marker.


A method (idx, [ref]) returning a string corresponding to the (mangled) name of the element at the index idx or nil. An element name appearing more than once in the sequence will be mangled with an absolute count, e.g. mq[3], or a relative count versus the optional reference element ref determined by :index_of, e.g. mq{-2}.


A method (a, [ref], [dir]) returning a number corresponding to the positive index of the element determined by the first argument or nil. If a is a number (or a string representing a number), it is interpreted as the \(s\)-position of an element and returned as a second number. If a is a string, it is interpreted as the (mangled) name of an element as returned by :name_of. Finally, a can be a reference to an element to search for. The argument ref (default: nil) specifies the reference element determined by :index_of(ref) to use for relative \(s\)-positions, for decoding mangled names with relative counts, or as the element to start searching from. The argument dir (default: 1) specifies the direction of the search with values 1 (forward), -1 (backward), or 0 (no direction). The dir=0 case may return an index at half-integer if a is interpreted as an \(s\)-position pointing to an implicit drift.


A method ([rng], [ref], [dir]) returning three numbers corresponding to the positive indexes start and end of the range and its direction dir, or nil for an empty range. If rng is omitted, it returns 1, #self, 1, or #self, 1, -1 if dir is negative. If rng is a number or a string with no '/' separator, it is interpreted as both start and end and determined by index_of. If rng is a string containing the separator '/', it is split in two strings interpreted as start and end, both determined by :index_of. If rng is a list, it will be interpreted as {start, end, [ref], [dir]}, both determined by :index_of, unless ref equals 'idx' then both are determined by :index (i.e. a number is interpreted as an index instead of a \(s\)-position). The arguments ref (default: nil) and dir (default: 1) are forwarded to all invocations of :index_of with a higher precedence than ones in the list rng, and a runtime error is raised if the method returns nil, i.e. to disambiguate between a valid empty range and an invalid range.


A method ([rng], [ntrn], [dir]) returning a number specifying the length of the range optionally including ntrn extra turns (default: 0), and calculated from the indexes returned by :range_of([rng], nil, [dir]).


A method ([rng], [ntrn], [dir]) returning an iterator over the sequence elements. The optional range is determined by :range_of(rng, [dir]), optionally including ntrn turns (default: 0). The optional direction dir specifies the forward 1 or the backward -1 direction of the iterator. If rng is not provided and the mtable is cycled, the start and end indexes are determined by :index_of(self.__cycle). When used with a generic for loop, the iterator returns at each element: its index, the element itself, its \(s\)-position over the running loop and its signed length depending on the direction.


A method ([rng], [ntrn], [dir]) returning an \(s\)-iterator over the sequence elements. The optional range is determined by :range_of([rng], nil, [dir]), optionally including ntrn turns (default: 0). The optional direction dir specifies the forward 1 or the backward -1 direction of the iterator. When used with a generic for loop, the iterator returns at each iteration: its index, the element itself or an implicit drift, its \(s\)-position over the running loop and its signed length depending on the direction. Each implicit drift is built on-the-fly by the iterator with a length equal to the gap between the elements surrounding it and a half-integer index equal to the average of their indexes. The length of implicit drifts is bounded by the maximum between the sequence attribute minlen and the minlen from the constant module.


A method (act, [rng], [sel], [not]) returning the sequence itself after applying the action act on the selected elements. If act is a set representing the arguments in the packed form, the missing arguments will be extracted from the attributes action, range, select and default. The action act must be a callable (elm, idx, [midx]) applied to an element passed as first argument and its index as second argument, the optional third argument being the index of the main element in case elm is a sub-element. The optional range is used to generate the loop iterator :iter([rng]). The optional selector sel is a callable (elm, idx, [midx]) predicate selecting eligible elements for the action using the same arguments. The selector sel can be specified in other ways, see element selections for details. The optional logical not (default: false) indicates how to interpret default selection, as all or none, depending on the semantic of the action. [2]


A method ([flg], [rng], [sel], [not]) returning the sequence itself after applying the action :select([flg]) to the elements using :foreach(act, [rng], [sel], [not]). By default sequence have all their elements deselected with only the $end marker observed.


A method ([flg], [rng], [sel], [not]) returning the sequence itself after applying the action :deselect([flg]) to the elements using :foreach(act, [rng], [sel], [not]). By default sequence have all their elements deselected with only the $end marker observed.


A method ([rng], [sel], [not]) returning a list containing the positive indexes of the elements determined by :foreach(filt_act, [rng], [sel], [not]), and its size. The logical sel.subelem specifies to select sub-elements too, and the list may contain non-integer indexes encoding their main element index added to their relative position, i.e. midx.sat. The builtin function math.modf(num) allows to retrieve easily the main element midx and the sub-element sat, e.g. midx,sat = math.modf(val).


A method (elm, [rng], [sel], [cmp]) returning the sequence itself after installing the elements in the list elm at their element positions; unless from="selected" is defined meaning multiple installations at positions relative to each element determined by the method :filter([rng], [sel], true). The logical sel.subelem is ignored. If the arguments are passed in the packed form, the extra attribute elements will be used as a replacement for the argument elm. The logical elm.subelem specifies to install elements with \(s\)-position falling inside sequence elements as sub-elements, and set their sat attribute accordingly. The optional callable cmp(elmspos, spos[idx]) (default: "<") is used to search for the \(s\)-position of the installation, where equal \(s\)-position are installed after (i.e. before with "<="), see bsearch from the miscellaneous module for details. The implicit drifts are checked after each element installation.


A method (elm, [rng], [sel]) returning the list of replaced elements by the elements in the list elm placed at their element positions, and the list of their respective indexes, both determined by :filter([rng], [sel], true). The list elm cannot contain instances of sequence or bline elements and will be recycled as many times as needed to replace all selected elements. If the arguments are passed in the packed form, the extra attribute elements will be used as a replacement for the argument elm. The logical sel.subelem specifies to replace selected sub-elements too and set their sat attribute to the same value. The implicit drifts are checked only once all elements have been replaced.


A method ([rng], [sel]) returning the list of removed elements and the list of their respective indexes, both determined by :filter([rng], [sel], true). The logical sel.subelem specifies to remove selected sub-elements too.


A method ([rng], [sel]) returning the sequence itself after updating the element positions at the indexes determined by :filter([rng], [sel], true). The logical sel.subelem is ignored. The elements must keep their order in the sequence and surrounding implicit drifts are checked only once all elements have been moved. [3]


A method () returning the sequence itself after recomputing the positions of all elements.


A method (algn, [rng], [sel]) returning the sequence itself after setting the element misalignments from algn at the indexes determined by :filter([rng], [sel], true). If algn is a mappable, it will be used to misalign the filtered elements. If algn is a iterable, it will be accessed using the filtered elements indexes to retrieve their specific misalignment. If algn is a callable (idx), it will be invoked for each filtered element with their index as solely argument to retrieve their specific misalignment.


A method ([name]) returning a new sequence from the sequence reversed, and named from the optional string name (default:'_rev').


A method (a) returning the sequence itself after checking that a is a valid reference using :index_of(a), and storing it in the __cycle attribute, itself erased by the methods editing the sequence like :install, :replace, :remove, :share, and :unique.


A method (seq2) returning the list of elements removed from the seq2 and the list of their respective indexes, and replaced by the elements from the sequence with the same name when they are unique in both sequences.


A method ([fmt]) returning the sequence itself after replacing all non-unique elements by new instances sharing the same parents. The optional fmt must be a callable (name, cnt, idx) that returns the mangled name of the new instance build from the element name, its count cnt and its index idx in the sequence. If the optional fmt is a string, the mangling callable is built by binding fmt as first argument to the function string.format from the standard library, see Lua 5.2 §6.4 for details.


A method (env, [keep]) returning the sequence after publishing all its elements in the environment env. If the logical keep is true, the method will preserve existing elements from being overridden. This method is automatically invoked with keep=true when sequences are created within the MADX environment.


A method ([name], [owner]) returning a new sequence from a copy of self, with the optional name and the optional attribute owner set. If the sequence is a view, so will be the copy unless owner == true.


Set the sequence as read-only, including its columns.


A method ([flgs]) saving the flags of all the elements to the optional iterable flgs (default: {}) and return it.


A method (flgs) restoring the flags of all the elements from the iterable flgs. The indexes of the flags must match the indexes of the elements in the sequence.


A method ([fil], [info]) displaying on the optional file fil (default: io.stdout) information related to the position and length of the elements. Useful to identify negative drifts and badly positioned elements. The optional argument info indicates to display extra information like elements misalignments.


A method () checking the integrity of the sequence and its dictionary, for debugging purpose only.


The sequence object provides the following metamethods:


A metamethod () called by the length operator # to return the size of the sequence, i.e. the number of elements stored including the "$start" and "$end" markers.


A metamethod (key) called by the indexing operator [key] to return the value of an attribute determined by key. The key is interpreted differently depending on its type with the following precedence:

  1. A number is interpreted as an element index and returns the element or nil.

  2. Other key types are interpreted as object attributes subject to object model lookup.

  3. If the value associated with key is nil, then key is interpreted as an element name and returns either the element or an iterable on the elements with the same name. [4]

  4. Otherwise returns nil.


A metamethod (key, val) called by the assignment operator [key]=val to create new attributes for the pairs (key, value). If key is a number specifying the index or a string specifying the name of an existing element, the following error is raised:

"invalid sequence write access (use replace method)"


A metamethod () called by the constructor to compute the elements positions. [5]


A metamethod () similar to the :copy method.

The following attribute is stored with metamethods in the metatable, but has different purpose:

__sequ A unique private reference that characterizes sequences.

Sequences creation

During its creation as an object, a sequence can defined its attributes as any object, and the list of its elements that must form a sequence of increasing \(s\)-positions. When subsequences are part of this list, they are replaced by their respective elements as a sequence element cannot be present inside other sequences. If the length of the sequence is not provided, it will be computed and set automatically. During their creation, sequences compute the \(s\)-positions of their elements as described in the section element positions, and check for overlapping elements that would raise a “negative drift” runtime error.

The following example shows how to create a sequence form a list of elements and subsequences:

local sequence, drift, marker in MAD.element
local df, mk = drift 'df' {l=1}, marker 'mk' {}
local seq = sequence 'seq' {
df 'df1' {}, mk 'mk1' {},
sequence {
   sequence { mk 'mk0' {} },
   df 'df.s' {}, mk 'mk.s' {}
df 'df2' {}, mk 'mk2' {},
} :dumpseq()


sequence: seq, l=3
idx  kind     name         l          dl       spos       upos    uds
001  marker   start        0.000       0       0.000      0.000   0.000
002  drift    df1          1.000       0       0.000      0.500   0.500
003  marker   mk1          0.000       0       1.000      1.000   0.000
004  marker   mk0          0.000       0       1.000      1.000   0.000
005  drift    df.s         1.000       0       1.000      1.500   0.500
006  marker   mk.s         0.000       0       2.000      2.000   0.000
007  drift    df2          1.000       0       2.000      2.500   0.500
008  marker   mk2          0.000       0       3.000      3.000   0.000
009  marker   end          0.000       0       3.000      3.000   0.000

Element positions

A sequence looks at the following attributes of an element, including sub-sequences, when installing it, and only at that time, to determine its position:


A number holding the position in [m] of the element in the sequence relative to the position specified by the from attribute.


A string holding one of "start", "prev", "next", "end" or "selected", or the (mangled) name of another element to use as the reference position, or a number holding a position in [m] from the start of the sequence. (default: "start" if at\(\geq 0\), "end" if at\(<0\), and "prev" otherwise)


A string holding one of "entry", "centre" or "exit", or the (mangled) name of a sequence sub-element to use as the reference position, or a number specifying a position [m] from the start of the element, all of them resulting in an offset to substract to the at attribute to find the \(s\)-position of the element entry. (default: nil \(\equiv\) self.refer).


A logical specifying if an element is used at different positions in the same sequence definition, i.e. shared multiple times, through temporary instances to store the many at and from attributes needed to specify its positions. Once built, the sequence will drop these temporary instances in favor of their common parent, i.e. the original shared element.

Warning: The at and from attributes are not considered as intrinsic properties of the elements and are used only once during installation. Any reuse of these attributes is the responsibility of the user, including the consistency between at and from after updates.

Element selections

The element selection in sequence use predicates in combination with iterators. The sequence iterator manages the range of elements where to apply the selection, while the predicate says if an element in this range is illegible for the selection. In order to ease the use of methods based on the :foreach method, the selector predicate sel can be built from different types of information provided in a set with the following attributes:


A number interpreted as a flags mask to pass to the element method :is_selected. It should not be confused with the flags passed as argument to methods :select and :deselect, as both flags can be used together but with different meanings!


A string interpreted as a pattern to match the element name using string.match from the standard library, see Lua 5.2 §6.4 for details.


An element interpreted as a class to pass to the element method :is_instansceOf.


An iterable interpreted as a list used to build a set and select the elements by their name, i.e. the built predicate will use tbl[] as a logical. If the iterable is a single item, e.g. a string, it will be converted first to a list.


A mappable interpreted as a set used to select the elements by their name, i.e. the built predicate will use tbl[] as a logical. If the mappable contains a list or is a single item, it will be converted first to a list and its set part will be discarded.


A callable interpreted as the selector itself, which allows to build any kind of predicate or to complete the restrictions already built above.


A boolean indicating to include or not the sub-elements in the scanning loop. The predicate and the action receive the sub-element and its sub-index as first and second argument, and the main element index as third argument.

All these attributes are used in the aforementioned order to incrementally build predicates that are combined with logical conjunctions, i.e. and’ed, to give the final predicate used by the :foreach method. If only one of these attributes is needed, it is possible to pass it directly in sel, not as an attribute in a set, and its type will be used to determine the kind of predicate to build. For example, self:foreach(act, monitor) is equivalent to self:foreach{action=act, class=monitor}.

Indexes, names and counts

Indexing a sequence triggers a complex look up mechanism where the arguments will be interpreted in various ways as described in the :__index metamethod. A number will be interpreted as a relative slot index in the list of elements, and a negative index will be considered as relative to the end of the sequence, i.e. -1 is the $end marker. Non-number will be interpreted first as an object key (can be anything), looking for sequence methods or attributes; then as an element name if nothing was found.

If an element exists but its name is not unique in the sequence, an iterable is returned. An iterable supports the length # operator to retrieve the number of elements with the same name, the indexing operator [] waiting for a count \(n\) to retrieve the \(n\)-th element from the start with that name, and the iterator ipairs to use with generic for loops.

The returned iterable is in practice a proxy, i.e. a fake intermediate object that emulates the expected behavior, and any attempt to access the proxy in another manner should raise a runtime error.

Warning: The indexing operator [] interprets a number as a (relative) element index as the method :index, while the method :index_of interprets a number as a (relative) element \(s\)-position [m].

The following example shows how to access to the elements through indexing and the iterable::

local sequence, drift, marker in MAD.element
local seq = sequence {
drift 'df' { id=1 }, marker 'mk' { id=2 },
drift 'df' { id=3 }, marker 'mk' { id=4 },
drift 'df' { id=5 }, marker 'mk' { id=6 },
print(seq[ 1].name) -- display: $start (start marker)
print(seq[-1].name) -- display: $end   (end   marker)

print(#seq.df, seq.df[3].id)                        -- display: 3   5
for _,e in ipairs(seq.df) do io.write(," ") end -- display: 1 3 5
for _,e in ipairs( do io.write(," ") end -- display: 2 4 6

-- print name of drift with id=3 in absolute and relative to id=6.
print(seq:name_of(4))       -- display: df[2]  (2nd df from start)
print(seq:name_of(2, -2))   -- display: df{-3} (3rd df before last mk)

The last two lines of code display the name of the same element but mangled with absolute and relative counts.

Iterators and ranges

Ranging a sequence triggers a complex look up mechanism where the arguments will be interpreted in various ways as described in the :range_of method, itself based on the methods :index_of and :index. The number of elements selected by a sequence range can be computed by the :length_of method, which accepts an extra number of turns to consider in the calculation.

The sequence iterators are created by the methods :iter and :siter, and both are based on the :range_of method as mentioned in their descriptions and includes an extra number of turns as for the method :length_of, and a direction 1 (forward) or -1 (backward) for the iteration. The :siter differs from the :iter by its loop, which returns not only the sequence elements but also implicit drifts built on-the-fly when a gap \(>10^{-10}\) m is detected between two sequence elements. Such implicit drift have half-integer indexes and make the iterator “continuous” in \(s\)-positions.

The method :foreach uses the iterator returned by :iter with a range as its sole argument to loop over the elements where to apply the predicate before executing the action. The methods :select, :deselect, :filter, :install, :replace, :remove, :move, and :misalign are all based directly or indirectly on the :foreach method. Hence, to iterate backward over a sequence range, these methods have to use either its list form or a numerical range. For example the invocation seq:foreach(\e -> print(, {2, 2, 'idx', -1) will iterate backward over the entire sequence seq excluding the $start and $end markers, while the invocation seq:foreach(\e -> print(, 5..2..-1) will iterate backward over the elements with \(s\)-positions sitting in the interval \([2,5]\) m.

The tracking commands survey and track use the iterator returned by :siter for their main loop, with their range, nturn and dir attributes as arguments. These commands also save the iterator states in their mflw to allow the users to run them nstep by nstep, see commands survey and track for details.

The following example shows how to access to the elements with the :foreach method::

local sequence, drift, marker in MAD.element
local observed in MAD.element.flags
local seq = sequence {
drift 'df' { id=1 }, marker 'mk' { id=2 },
drift 'df' { id=3 }, marker 'mk' { id=4 },
drift 'df' { id=5 }, marker 'mk' { id=6 },

local act = \e -> print(,
seq:foreach(act, "df[2]/mk[3]")
-- display:
--          df   3
--          mk   4
--          df   5
--          mk   6

seq:foreach{action=act, range="df[2]/mk[3]", class=marker}
-- display: markers at ids 4 and 6
seq:foreach{action=act, pattern="^[^$]"}
-- display: all elements except $start and $end markers
seq:foreach{action=\e -> e:select(observed), pattern="mk"}
-- same as: seq:select(observed, {pattern="mk"})

local act = \e -> print(,, e:is_observed())
seq:foreach{action=act, range="#s/#e"}
-- display:
--          $start   nil  false
--          df       1    false
--          mk       2    true
--          df       3    false
--          mk       4    true
--          df       5    false
--          mk       6    true
--          $end     nil  true


FODO cell

The following example shows how to build a very simple FODO cell and an arc made of 10 FODO cells.

local sequence, sbend, quadrupole, sextupole, hkicker, vkicker, marker in MAD.element
local mkf = marker 'mkf' {}
local ang=2*math.pi/80
local fodo = sequence 'fodo' { refer='entry',
mkf             { at=0, shared=true      }, -- mark the start of the fodo
quadrupole 'qf' { at=0, l=1  , k1=0.3    },
sextupole  'sf' {       l=0.3, k2=0      },
hkicker    'hk' {       l=0.2, kick=0    },
sbend      'mb' { at=2, l=2  , angle=ang },

quadrupole 'qd' { at=5, l=1  , k1=-0.3   },
sextupole  'sd' {       l=0.3, k2=0      },
vkicker    'vk' {       l=0.2, kick=0    },
sbend      'mb' { at=7, l=2  , angle=ang },
local arc = sequence 'arc' { refer='entry', 10*fodo }
fodo:dumpseq() ; print(fodo.mkf, mkf)


sequence: fodo, l=9
idx  kind          name          l          dl       spos       upos    uds
001  marker        $start  0.000       0       0.000      0.000   0.000
002  marker        mkf     0.000       0       0.000      0.000   0.000
003  quadrupole    qf      1.000       0       0.000      0.000   0.000
004  sextupole     sf      0.300       0       1.000      1.000   0.000
005  hkicker       hk      0.200       0       1.300      1.300   0.000
006  sbend         mb      2.000       0       2.000      2.000   0.000
007  quadrupole    qd      1.000       0       5.000      5.000   0.000
008  sextupole     sd      0.300       0       6.000      6.000   0.000
009  vkicker       vk      0.200       0       6.300      6.300   0.000
010  sbend         mb      2.000       0       7.000      7.000   0.000
011  marker        $end    0.000       0       9.000      9.000   0.000
marker : 'mkf' 0x01015310e8  marker: 'mkf' 0x01015310e8 -- same marker

SPS compact description

The following dummy example shows a compact definition of the SPS mixing elements, beam lines and sequence definitions. The elements are zero-length, so the lattice is too.

local drift, sbend, quadrupole, bline, sequence in MAD.element

-- elements (empty!)
local ds = drift      'ds' {}
local dl = drift      'dl' {}
local dm = drift      'dm' {}
local b1 = sbend      'b1' {}
local b2 = sbend      'b2' {}
local qf = quadrupole 'qf' {}
local qd = quadrupole 'qd' {}

-- subsequences
local pf  = bline 'pf'  {qf,2*b1,2*b2,ds}           -- #: 6
local pd  = bline 'pd'  {qd,2*b2,2*b1,ds}           -- #: 6
local p24 = bline 'p24' {qf,dm,2*b2,ds,pd}          -- #: 11 (5+6)
local p42 = bline 'p42' {pf,qd,2*b2,dm,ds}          -- #: 11 (6+5)
local p00 = bline 'p00' {qf,dl,qd,dl}               -- #: 4
local p44 = bline 'p44' {pf,pd}                     -- #: 12 (6+6)
local insert = bline 'insert' {p24,2*p00,p42}       -- #: 30 (11+2*4+11)
local super  = bline 'super'  {7*p44,insert,7*p44}  -- #: 198 (7*12+30+7*12)

-- final sequence
local SPS = sequence 'SPS' {6*super}                -- # = 1188 (6*198)

-- check number of elements and length
print(#SPS, SPS.l)  -- display: 1190  0 (no element length provided)

Installing elements I

The following example shows how to install elements and subsequences in an empty initial sequence:

local sequence, drift in MAD.element
local seq   = sequence "seq" { l=16, refer="entry", owner=true }
local sseq1 = sequence "sseq1" {
at=5, l=6 , refpos="centre", refer="entry",
drift "df1'" {l=1, at=-4, from="end"},
drift "df2'" {l=1, at=-2, from="end"},
drift "df3'" {     at= 5            },
local sseq2 = sequence "sseq2" {
at=14, l=6, refpos="exit", refer="entry",
drift "df1''" { l=1, at=-4, from="end"},
drift "df2''" { l=1, at=-2, from="end"},
drift "df3''" {      at= 5            },
seq:install {
drift "df1" {l=1, at=1},
sseq1, sseq2,
drift "df2" {l=1, at=15},
} :dumpseq()


sequence: seq, l=16
idx  kind          name       l          dl       spos       upos    uds
001  marker        $start*    0.000       0       0.000      0.000   0.000
002  drift         df1        1.000       0       1.000      1.000   0.000
003  drift         df1'       1.000       0       4.000      4.000   0.000
004  drift         df2'       1.000       0       6.000      6.000   0.000
005  drift         df3'       0.000       0       7.000      7.000   0.000
006  drift         df1''      1.000       0      10.000     10.000   0.000
007  drift         df2''      1.000       0      12.000     12.000   0.000
008  drift         df3''      0.000       0      13.000     13.000   0.000
009  drift         df2        1.000       0      15.000     15.000   0.000
010  marker        $end       0.000       0      16.000     16.000   0.000

Installing elements II

The following more complex example shows how to install elements and subsequences in a sequence using a selection and the packed form for arguments:

local mk   = marker   "mk"  { }
local seq  = sequence "seq" { l = 10, refer="entry",
mk "mk1" { at = 2 },
mk "mk2" { at = 4 },
mk "mk3" { at = 8 },
local sseq = sequence "sseq" { l = 3 , at = 5, refer="entry",
drift "df1'" { l = 1, at = 0 },
drift "df2'" { l = 1, at = 1 },
drift "df3'" { l = 1, at = 2 },
seq:install {
class    = mk,
elements = {
   drift "df1" { l = 0.1, at = 0.1, from="selected" },
   drift "df2" { l = 0.1, at = 0.2, from="selected" },
   drift "df3" { l = 0.1, at = 0.3, from="selected" },
   drift "df4" { l = 1, at = 9 },



sequence: seq, l=10
idx  kind          name      l          dl       spos       upos    uds
001  marker        $start    0.000       0       0.000      0.000   0.000
002  marker        mk1       0.000       0       2.000      2.000   0.000
003  drift         df1       0.100       0       2.100      2.100   0.000
004  drift         df2       0.100       0       2.200      2.200   0.000
005  drift         df3       0.100       0       2.300      2.300   0.000
006  marker        mk2       0.000       0       4.000      4.000   0.000
007  drift         df1       0.100       0       4.100      4.100   0.000
008  drift         df2       0.100       0       4.200      4.200   0.000
009  drift         df3       0.100       0       4.300      4.300   0.000
010  drift         df1'      1.000       0       5.000      5.000   0.000
011  drift         df2'      1.000       0       6.000      6.000   0.000
012  drift         df3'      1.000       0       7.000      7.000   0.000
013  marker        mk3       0.000       0       8.000      8.000   0.000
014  drift         df1       0.100       0       8.100      8.100   0.000
015  drift         df2       0.100       0       8.200      8.200   0.000
016  drift         df3       0.100       0       8.300      8.300   0.000
017  drift         df4       1.000       0       9.000      9.000   0.000
018  marker        $end      0.000       0      10.000     10.000   0.000
