

The Methodical Accelerator Design – Next Generation application is an all-in-one standalone versatile tool for particle accelerator design, modeling, and optimization, and for beam dynamics and optics studies. Its general purpose scripting language is based on the simple yet powerful Lua programming language (with a few extensions) and embeds the state-of-art Just-In-Time compiler LuaJIT. Its physics is based on symplectic integration of differential maps made out of GTPSA (Generalized Truncated Power Series). The physics of the transport maps and the normal form analysis were both strongly inspired by the PTC/FPP library from E. Forest. MAD-NG development started in 2016 by the author as a side project of MAD-X, hence MAD-X users should quickly become familiar with its ecosystem, e.g. lattices definition.

MAD-NG is free open-source software, distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.[1] The source code, units tests[2], integration tests, and examples are all available on its Github repository, including the documentation and its LaTeX source. For convenience, the binaries and few examples are also made available from the releases repository located on the AFS shared file system at CERN.


Download the binary corresponding to your platform from the releases repository and install it in a local directory. Update (or check) that the PATH environment variable contains the path to your local directory or prefix mad with this path to run it. Rename the application from mad-arch-v.m.n to mad and make it executable with the command ‘chmod u+x mad’ on Unix systems or add the .exe extension on Windows.

$ ./mad - h
usage: ./mad [options]... [script [args]...].
Available options are:
        - e chunk       Execute string 'chunk'.
        - l name        Require library 'name'.
        - b ...         Save or list bytecode.
        - j cmd         Perform JIT control command.
        - O[opt]        Control JIT optimizations.
        - i             Enter interactive mode after executing 'script'.
        - q             Do not show version information.
        - M             Do not load MAD environment.
        - Mt[=num]      Set initial MAD trace level to 'num'.
        - MT[=num]      Set initial MAD trace level to 'num' and location.
        - E             Ignore environment variables.
        --               Stop handling options.
        -                Execute stdin and stop handling options.

Releases version

MAD-NG releases are tagged on the Github repository and use mangled binary names on the releases repository, i.e. mad-arch-v.m.n where:


is the platform architecture for binaries among linux, macos and windows.


is the version number, 0 meaning beta-version under active development.


is the major release number corresponding to features completeness.


is the minor release number corresponding to bug fixes.

Interactive Mode

To run MAD-NG in interactive mode, just typewrite its name on the Shell invite like any command-line tool. It is recommended to wrap MAD-NG with the readline wrapper rlwrap in interactive mode for easier use and commands history:

$ rlwrap ./mad
   ____  __   ______    ______     |   Methodical Accelerator Design
    /  \/  \   /  _  \   /  _  \   |   release: 0.9.0 (OSX 64)
   /  __   /  /  /_/ /  /  /_/ /   |   support:
  /__/  /_/  /__/ /_/  /_____ /    |   licence: GPL3 (C) CERN 2016+
                                   |   started: 2020-08-01 20:13:51
> print "hello world!"
hello world!"

Here the application is assumed to be installed in the current directory ‘.’ and the character ‘>’ is the prompt waiting for user input in interactive mode. If you write an incomplete statement, the interpreter waits for its completion by issuing a different prompt:

> print                -- 1st level prompt, incomplete statement
>> "hello world!"      -- 2nd level prompt, complete the statement
hello world!           -- execute

Typing the character ‘=’ right after the 1st level prompt is equivalent to call the print function:

> = "hello world!"     -- 1st level prompt followed by =
hello world!           -- execute print "hello world!"
> = MAD.option.numfmt
% -.10g

To quit the application typewrite Crtl+D to send EOF (end-of-file) on the input, [3] or Crtl+\ to send the SIGQUIT (quit) signal, or Crtl+C to send the stronger SIGINT (interrupt) signal. If the application is stalled or looping for ever, typewriting a single Crtl+\ or Crtl+C twice will stop it:

> while true do end    -- loop forever, 1st Crtl+C doesn't stop it
pending interruption in VM! (next will exit)         -- 2nd Crtl+C
interrupted!           -- application stopped

> while true do end    -- loop forever, a single Crtl+\ does stop it
Quit: 3                -- Signal 3 caught, application stopped

In interactive mode, each line input is run in its own chunk[4], which also rules variables scopes. Hence local, variables are not visible between chunks, i.e. input lines. The simple solutions are either to use global variables or to enclose local statements into the same chunk delimited by the do ... end keywords:

> local a = "hello"
> print(a.." world!")
  stdin:1: attempt to concatenate global 'a' (a nil value)
  stack traceback:
  stdin:1: in main chunk
  [C]: at 0x01000325c0

> do                   -- 1st level prompt, open the chunck
>> local a = "hello"   -- 2nd level prompt, waiting for statement completion
>> print(a.." world!") -- same chunk, local 'a' is visible
>> end                 -- close and execute the chunk
hello world!
> print(a)             -- here 'a' is an unset global variable
> a = "hello"          -- set global 'a'
> print(a.." world!")  -- works but pollutes the global environment
hello world!

Batch Mode

To run MAD-NG in batch mode, just run it in the shell with files as arguments on the command line:

$ ./mad [mad options] myscript1.mad myscript2.mad ...

where the scripts contains programs written in the MAD-NG programming language (see Scripting).

Online Help

MAD-NG is equipped with an online help system[5] useful in interactive mode to quickly search for information displayed in the man-like Unix format :

    > help()
Related topics:
MADX, aperture, beam, cmatrix, cofind, command, complex, constant, correct,
ctpsa, cvector, dynmap, element, filesys, geomap, gfunc, gmath, gphys, gplot,
gutil, hook, lfun, linspace, logrange, logspace, match, matrix, mflow,
monomial, mtable, nlogrange, nrange, object, operator, plot, range, reflect,
regex, sequence, strict, survey, symint, symintc, tostring, totable, tpsa,
track, twiss, typeid, utest, utility, vector.

> help "MADX"
MADX environment to emulate MAD-X workspace.

local lhcb1 in MADX

This module provide the function 'load' that read MADX sequence and optics
files and load them in the MADX global variable. If it does not exist, it will
create the global MADX variable as an object and load into it all elements,
constants, and math functions compatible with MADX.

The MADX global variable.

-- inline definition

element, object.

Complementary to the help function, the function show displays the type and value of variables, and if they have attributes, the list of their names in the lexicographic order:

> show "hello world!"
:string: hello world!
> show(MAD.option)
:table: MAD.option
colwidth           :number: 18
hdrwidth           :number: 18
intfmt             :string: % -10d
madxenv            :boolean: false
nocharge           :boolean: false
numfmt             :string: % -.10g
ptcmodel           :boolean: false
strfmt             :string: % -25s
