
The object model is of key importance as it implements many features used extensively by objects like beam, sequence, mtable, all the commands, all the elements, and the MADX environment. The aim of the object model is to extend the scripting language with concepts like objects, inheritance, methods, metamethods, deferred expressions, commands and more.

In computer science, the object model of MAD-NG is said to implement the concepts of prototypical objects, single inheritance and dynamic lookup of attributes:

  • A prototypical object is an object created from a prototype, [1] named its parent.

  • Single inheritance specifies that an object has only one direct parent.

  • Dynamic lookup means that undefined attributes are searched in the parents at each read.

A prototype represents the default state and behavior, and new objects can reuse part of the knowledge stored in the prototype by inheritance, or by defining how the new object differs from the prototype. Because any object can be used as a prototype, this approach holds some advantages for representing default knowledge, and incrementally and dynamically modifying them.


The creation of a new object requires to hold a reference to its parent, i.e. the prototype, which indeed will create the child and return it as if it were returned from a function:

local object in MAD
local obj = object { }

The special root object object from the MAD environment is the parent of all objects, including elements, sequences, TFS tables and commands. It provides by inheritance the methods needed to handle objects, environments, and more. In this minimalist example, the created object has object as parent, so it is the simplest object that can be created.

It is possible to name immutably an object during its creation:

local obj = object 'myobj' { }
print(obj.name) -- display: myobj

Here, [2] obj is the variable holding the object while the string 'myobj' is the name of the object. It is important to distinguish well the variable that holds the object from the object’s name that holds the string, because they are very often named the same.

It is possible to define attributes during object creation or afterward:

local obj = object 'myobj' { a=1, b='hello' }
obj.c = { d=5 } -- add a new attribute c
print(obj.name, obj.a, obj.b, obj.c.d)  -- display: myobj 1 hello 5


The previous object creation can be done equivalently using the prototype as a constructor:

local obj = object('myobj',{ a=1, b='hello' })

An object constructor expects two arguments, an optional string for the name, and a required table for the attributes placeholder, optionally filled with initial attributes. The table is used to create the object itself, so it cannot be reused to create a different object:

local attr = { a=1, b='hello' }
local obj1 = object('obj1',attr) -- ok
local obj2 = object('obj2',attr) -- runtime error, attr is already used.

The following objects creations are all semantically equivalent but use different syntax that may help to understand the creation process and avoid runtime errors:

-- named objects:
local nobj = object 'myobj'  { }  -- two stages creation.
local nobj = object 'myobj' ({ }) -- idem.
local nobj = object('myobj') { }  -- idem.
local nobj = object('myobj')({ }) -- idem.
local nobj = object('myobj', { }) -- one stage creation.
-- unnamed objects:
local uobj = object   { }         -- one stage creation.
local uobj = object  ({ })        -- idem.
local uobj = object() { }         -- two stages creation.
local uobj = object()({ })        -- idem.
local uobj = object(nil,{ })      -- one stage creation.

Incomplete objects

The following object creation shows how the two stage form can create an incomplete object that can only be used to complete its construction:

local obj = object 'myobj'   -- obj is incomplete, table is missing
print(obj.name)              -- runtime error.
obj = obj { }                -- now obj is complete.
print(obj.name)              -- display: myobj

Any attempt to use an incomplete object will trigger a runtime error with a message like:

file:line: forbidden read access to incomplete object.


file:line: forbidden write access to incomplete object.

depending on the kind of access.


An object used as a prototype to create new objects becomes a class, and a class cannot change, add, remove or override its methods and metamethods. This restriction ensures the behavioral consistency between the children after their creation. An object qualified as final cannot create instances and therefore cannot become a class.


The object module extends the typeid module with the is_object(a) function, which returns true if its argument a is an object, false otherwise:

local is_object in MAD.typeid
print(is_object(object), is_object(object{}), is_object{})
-- display: true  true  false

It is possible to know the objects qualifiers using the appropriate methods:

print(object:is_class(), object:is_final(), object:is_readonly())
-- display: true  false  true

Customizing creation

During the creation process of objects, the metamethod __init(self) is invoked if it exists, with the newly created object as its sole argument to let the parent finalize or customize its initialization before it is returned. This mechanism is used by commands to run their :exec() method during their creation.


The object model allows to build tree-like inheritance hierarchy by creating objects from classes, themselves created from other classes, and so on until the desired hierarchy is modeled. The example below shows an excerpt of the taxonomy of the elements as implemented by the element module, with their corresponding depth levels in comment:

local object in MAD                    -- depth level 1
local element = object           {...} -- depth level 2

local drift_element = element    {...} -- depth level 3
local instrument = drift_element {...} -- depth level 4
local monitor  = instrument      {...} -- depth level 5
local hmonitor = monitor         {...} -- depth level 6
local vmonitor = monitor         {...} -- depth level 6

local thick_element = element    {...} -- depth level 3
local tkicker = thick_element    {...} -- depth level 4
local kicker  = tkicker          {...} -- depth level 5
local hkicker = kicker           {...} -- depth level 6
local vicker  = kicker           {...} -- depth level 6

Reading attributes

Reading an attribute not defined in an object triggers a recursive dynamic lookup along the chain of its parents until it is found or the root object is reached. Reading an object attribute defined as a function automatically evaluates it with the object passed as the sole argument and the returned value is forwarded to the reader as if it were the attribute’s value. When the argument is not used by the function, it becomes a deferred expression that can be defined directly with the operator := as explained in the section Deferred expression. This feature allows to use attributes holding values and functions the same way and postpone design decisions, e.g. switching from simple value to complex calculations without impacting the users side with calling parentheses at every use.

The following example is similar to the second example of the section Deferred expression, and it must be clear that fun must be explicitly called to retrieve the value despite that its definition is the same as the attribute v2.

local var = 10
local fun = \-> var -- here := is invalid
local obj = object { v1 := var, v2 =\-> var, v3 = var }
print(obj.v1, obj.v2, obj.v3, fun()) -- display: 10 10 10 10
var = 20
print(obj.v1, obj.v2, obj.v3, fun()) -- display: 20 20 10 20

Writing attributes

Writing to an object uses direct access and does not involve any lookup. Hence setting an attribute with a non-nil value in an object hides his definition inherited from the parents, while setting an attribute with nil in an object restores the inheritance lookup:

local obj1 = object { a=1, b='hello' }
local obj2 = obj1 { a=\s-> s.b..' world' }
print(obj1.a, obj2.a) -- display: 1 hello world
obj2.a = nil
print(obj1.a, obj2.a) -- display: 1 1

This property is extensively used by commands to specify their attributes default values or to rely on other commands attributes default values, both being overridable by the users.

It is forbidden to write to a read-only objects or to a read-only attributes. The former can be set using the :readonly method, while the latter corresponds to attributes with names that start by __, i.e. two underscores.

Class instances

To determine if an object is an instance of a given class, use the :is_instanceOf method:

local hmonitor, instrument, element in MAD.element
print(hmonitor:is_instanceOf(instrument)) -- display: true

To get the list of public attributes of an instance, use the :get_varkeys method:

for _,a in ipairs(hmonitor:get_varkeys()) do print(a) end
for _,a in ipairs(hmonitor:get_varkeys(object)) do print(a) end
for _,a in ipairs(hmonitor:get_varkeys(instrument)) do print(a) end
for _,a in ipairs(element:get_varkeys()) do print(a) end

The code snippet above lists the names of the attributes set by:

  • the object hmonitor (only).

  • the objects in the hierachy from hmonitor to object included.

  • the objects in the hierachy from hmonitor to instrument included.

  • the object element (only), the root of all elements.



Fig. 2 Object model and inheritance.

Fig. 2 summarizes inheritance and attributes lookup with arrows and colors, which are reproduced by the example hereafter:

local element, quadrupole in MAD.element    -- kind
local mq  = quadrupole 'mq'  { l  =  2.1  } -- class
local qf  = mq         'qf'  { k1 =  0.05 } -- circuit
local qd  = mq         'qd'  { k1 = -0.06 } -- circuit
local qf1 = qf         'qf1' {}             -- element
... -- more elements
print(qf1.k1)                    -- display: 0.05 (lookup)
qf.k1 = 0.06                     -- update strength of 'qf' circuit
print(qf1.k1)                    -- display: 0.06 (lookup)
qf1.k1 = 0.07                    -- set strength of 'qf1' element
print(qf.k1, qf1.k1)             -- display: 0.06 0.07 (no lookup)
qf1.k1 = nil                     -- cancel strength of 'qf1' element
print(qf1.k1, qf1.l)             -- display: 0.06 2.1 (lookup)
print(#element:get_varkeys())    -- display: 33 (may vary)

The element quadrupole provided by the element module is the father of the objects created on its left. The black arrows show the user defined hierarchy of object created from and linked to the quadrupole. The main quadrupole mq is a user class representing the physical element, e.g. defining a length, and used to create two new classes, a focusing quadrupole qf and a defocusing quadrupole qd to model the circuits, e.g. hold the strength of elements connected in series, and finally the real individual elements qf1, qd1, qf2 and qd2 that will populate the sequence. A tracking command will request various attributes when crossing an element, like its length or its strength, leading to lookup of different depths in the hierarchy along the red arrow. A user may also write or overwrite an attribute at different level in the hierarchy by accessing directly to an element, as shown by the purple arrows, and mask an attribute of the parent with the new definitions in the children. The construction shown in this example follows the separation of concern principle and it is still highly reconfigurable despite that is does not contain any deferred expression or lambda function.


New attributes can be added to objects using the dot operator . or the indexing operator [] as for tables. Attributes with non-string keys are considered as private. Attributes with string keys starting by two underscores are considered as private and read-only, and must be set during creation:

mq.comment = "Main Arc Quadrupole"
print(qf1.comment)      -- displays: Main Arc Quadrupole
qf.__k1 = 0.01          -- error
qf2 = qf { __k1=0.01 }  -- ok

The root object provides the following attributes:


A lambda returning the string __id.


A lambda returning a reference to the parent object.

Warning: the following private and read-only attributes are present in all objects as part of the object model and should never be used, set or changed; breaking this rule would lead to an undefined behavior:


A string holding the object’s name set during its creation.


A reference holding the object’s parent set during its creation.


A number holding the object’s flags.


A table holding the object’s variables, i.e. pairs of (key, value).


A table holding the object’s environment.


A reference to the object’s parent variables.


New methods can be added to objects but not classes, using the :set_methods(set) method with set being the set of methods to add as in the following example:

sequence :set_methods {
  name_of   = name_of,
  index_of  = index_of,
  range_of  = range_of,
  length_of = length_of,

where the keys are the names of the added methods and their values must be a callable accepting the object itself, i.e. self, as their first argument. Classes cannot set new methods.

The root object provides the following methods:


A method () returning a boolean telling if the object is final, i.e. cannot have instance.


A method () returning a boolean telling if the object is a class, i.e. had/has an instance.


A method () returning a boolean telling if the object is read-only, i.e. attributes cannot be changed.


A method (cls) returning a boolean telling if self is an instance of cls.


A method ([a]) returning self set as final if a ~= false or non-final.


A method ([a]) returning self set as read-only if a ~= false or read-write.


A method ([name]) returning an empty clone of self and named after the string name (default: nil).


A method ([name]) returning a copy of self and named after the string name (default: nil). The private attributes are not copied, e.g. the final, class or read-only qualifiers are not copied.


A method ([cls]) returning both, the list of the non-private attributes of self down to cls (default: self) included, and the set of their keys in the form of pairs (key, key).


A method (lst, [set], [noeval]) returning a set containing the pairs (key, value) of the attributes listed in lst. If set is provided, it will be used to store the pairs. If noveval == true, the functions are not evaluated. The full list of attributes can be retrieved from get_varkeys. Shortcut getvar.


A method (set, [override]) returning self with the attributes set to the pairs (key, value) contained in set. If override ~= true, the read-only attributes (with key starting by "__") cannot be updated.


A method (set, [lst], [override]) returning self with the attributes listed in lst set to the pairs (key, value) contained in set. If lst is not provided, it is replaced by self.__attr. If set is an object and lst.noeval exists, it is used as the list of attributes to copy without function evaluation.[3] If override ~= true, the read-only attributes (with key starting by "__") cannot be updated. Shortcut cpyvar.


A method (set, [override]) returning self with the attributes wrapped by the pairs (key, value) contained in set, where the value must be a callable (a) that takes the attribute (as a callable) and returns the wrapped value. If override ~= true, the read-only attributes (with key starting by "__") cannot be updated.

The following example shows how to convert the length l of an RBEND from cord to arc, [4] keeping its strength k0 to be computed on the fly:

local cord2arc in MAD.gmath
local rbend    in MAD.element
local printf   in MAD.utility
local rb = rbend 'rb' { angle=pi/10, l=2, k0=\s s.angle/s.l }
printf("l=%.5f, k0=%.5f\n", rb.l, rb.k0) -- l=2.00000, k0=0.15708
rb:wrap_variables { l=\l\s cord2arc(l(),s.angle) } -- RBARC
printf("l=%.5f, k0=%.5f\n", rb.l, rb.k0) -- l=2.00825, k0=0.15643
rb.angle = pi/20 -- update angle
printf("l=%.5f, k0=%.5f\n", rb.l, rb.k0) -- l=2.00206, k0=0.07846

The method converts non-callable attributes into callables automatically to simplify the user-side, i.e. l() can always be used as a callable whatever its original form was. At the end, k0 and l are computed values and updating angle affects both as expected.


A method () returning self after setting all non-private attributes to nil.


A method () returning self after setting the array slots to nil, i.e. clear the list part.


A method () returning self after clearing the object except its private attributes.


A method (set, [override]) returning self with the methods set to the pairs (key, value) contained in set, where key must be a string (the method’s name) and value must be a callable (the method itself). If override ~= true, the read-only methods (with key starting by "__") cannot be updated. Classes cannot update their methods.


A method (set, [override]) returning self with the attributes set to the pairs (key, value) contained in set, where key must be a string (the metamethod’s name) and value must be a callable(the metamethod itself). If override == false, the metamethods cannot be updated. Classes cannot update their metamethods.


A method ([idx], a) returning self after inserting a at the position idx (default: #self+1) and shifting up the items at positions idx...


A method ([idx]) returning the value removed at the position idx (default: #self) and shifting down the items at positions idx...


A method (idx1, idx2, idxto, [dst]) returning the destination object dst (default: self) after moving the items from self at positions idx1..idx2 to dst at positions idxto... The destination range can overlap with the source range.


A method ([cmp]) returning self after sorting in-place its list part using the ordering callable (cmp(ai, aj)) (default: "<"), which must define a partial order over the items. The sorting algorithm is not stable.


A method (a, [cmp], [low], [high]) returning the lowest index idx in the range specified by low..high (default: 1..#self) from the ordered list of self that compares true with item a using the callable (cmp(a, self[idx])) (default: "<=" for ascending, ">=" for descending), or high+1. In the presence of multiple equal items, "<=" (resp. ">=") will return the index of the first equal item while "<" (resp. ">") the index next to the last equal item for ascending (resp. descending) order. [5]


A method (a, [cmp], [low], [high]) returning the lowest index idx in the range specified by low..high (default: 1..#self) from the list of self that compares true with item a using the callable (cmp(a, self[idx])) (default: "=="), or high+1. In the presence of multiple equal items in an ordered list, "<=" (resp. ">=") will return the index of the first equal item while "<" (resp. ">") the index next to the last equal item for ascending (resp. descending) order. [5]


A method () returning the flags of self. The flags are not inherited nor copied.


A method (flgs) returning self after setting the flags determined by flgs.


A method (flgs) returning self after clearing the flags determined by flgs.


A method (flgs) returning a boolean telling if all the flags determined by flgs are set.


A method ([ctx]) returning self after opening an environment, i.e. a global scope, using self as the context for ctx (default: 1). The argument ctx must be either a function or a number defining a call level \(\geq 1\).


A method () returning self after closing the environment linked to it. Closing an environment twice is safe.


A method (loader) returning self after calling the loader, i.e. a compiled chunk, using self as its environment. If the loader is a string, it is interpreted as the filename of a script to load, see functions load and loadfile in Lua 5.2 §6.1 for details.


A method () returning self after dumping its content on the terminal in the rought form of pairs (key, value), including content of table and object value, useful for debugging environments.


A method () returning a boolean telling if self is an open environment.


A method () returning the number of items in the list part of the object. This method should not be confused with the native function rawlen.


A method (key) returning the value of the attribute key without lambda evaluation nor inheritance lookup. This method should not be confused with the native function rawget.


A method (key, val) setting the attribute key to the value val, bypassing all guards of the object model. This method should not be confused with the native function rawset. Warning: use this dangerous method at your own risk!


A method (key) returning the value of the attribute key without lambda evaluation.


A method (key, val) returning the value val of the attribute key with lambda evaluation. This method is the complementary of var_get, i.e. __index \(\equiv\) var_val \(\circ\) var_get.


A method ([fname], [cls], [patt], [noeval]) return self after dumping its non-private attributes in file fname (default: stdout) in a hierarchical form down to cls. If the string patt is provided, it filters the names of the attributes to dump. If fname == '-', the dump is returned as a string in place of self. The logical noeval prevents the evaluatation the deferred expressions and reports the functions addresses instead. In the output, self and its parents are displayed indented according to their inheritance level, and preceeded by a + sign. The attributes overridden through the inheritance are tagged with \(n\) * signs, where \(n\) corresponds to the number of overrides since the first definition.


New metamethods can be added to objects but not classes, using the :set_metamethods(set) method with set being the set of metamethods to add as in the following example:

sequence :set_metamethods {
  __len      = len_mm,
  __index    = index_mm,
  __newindex = newindex_mm,

where the keys are the names of the added metamethods and their values must be a callable accepting the object itself, i.e. self, as their first argument. Classes cannot set new metamethods.

The root object provides the following metamethods:


A metamethod () called to finalize self before returning from the constructor.


A metamethod () similar to the method same.


A metamethod () similar to the method copy.


A metamethod () called by the length operator # to return the size of the list part of self.


A metamethod ([name], tbl) called by the call operator () to return an instance of self created from name and tbl, i.e. using self as a constructor.


A metamethod (key) called by the indexing operator [key] to return the value of an attribute determined by key after having performed lambda evaluation and inheritance lookup.


A metamethod (key, val) called by the assignment operator [key]=val to create new attributes for the pairs (key, value).


A metamethod () called by the pairs function to return an iterator over the non-private attributes of self.


A metamethod () called by the ipairs function to return an iterator over the list part of self.


A metamethod () called by the tostring function to return a string describing succinctly self.

The following attributes are stored with metamethods in the metatable, but have different purposes:


A unique private reference that characterizes objects.


A reference to the metatable itself protecting against modifications.


The object model uses flags to qualify objects, like class-object, final-object and readonly-object. The difference with boolean attributes is that flags are not inherited nor copied. The flags of objects are managed by the methods :get_flags, :set_flags, :clear_flags and :test_flags. Methods like :is_class, :is_final and :is_readonly are roughly equivalent to call the method :test_flags with the corresponding (private) flag as argument. Note that functions from the typeid module that check for types or kinds, like is_object or is_beam, never rely on flags because types and kinds are not qualifers.

From the technical point of view, flags are encoded into a 32-bit integer and the object model uses the protected bits 29-31, hence bits 0-28 are free of use. Object flags can be used and extended by other modules introducing their own flags, like the element module that relies on bits 0-4 and used by many commands. In practice, the bit index does not need to be known and should not be used directly but through its name to abstract its value.


The object model allows to transform an object into an environment; in other words, a global workspace for a given context, i.e. scope. Objects-as-environments are managed by the methods open_env, close_env, load_env, dump_env and is_open_env. Things defined in this workspace will be stored in the object, and accessible from outside using the standard ways to access object attributes:

local object in MAD
local one = 1
local obj = object { a:=one } -- obj with 'a' defined
-- local a = 1                -- see explication below

obj:open_env()                -- open environment
b = 2                         -- obj.b defined
c =\ -> a..":"..b             -- obj.c defined
obj:close_env()               -- close environment

print(obj.a, obj.b, obj.c)    -- display: 1   2   1:2
one = 3
print(obj.a, obj.b, obj.c)    -- display: 3   2   3:2
obj.a = 4
print(obj.a, obj.b, obj.c)    -- display: 4   2   4:2

Uncommenting the line local a = 1 would change the last displayed column to 1:2 for the three prints because the lambda defined for obj.c would capture the local a as it would exist in its scope. As seen hereabove, once the environment is closed, the object still holds the variables as attributes.

The MADX environment is an object that relies on this powerful feature to load MAD-X lattices, their settings and their “business logic”, and provides functions, constants and elements to mimic the behavior of the global workspace of MAD-X to some extend:

mq_k1 = 0.01                     -- mq.k1 is not a valid identifier!
MQ = QUADRUPOLE {l=1, k1:=MQ_K1} -- MADX environment is case insensitive
MADX:close_env()                 -- but not the attributes of objects!
local mq in MADX
print(mq.k1)                     -- display: 0.01
MADX.MQ_K1 = 0.02
print(mq.k1)                     -- display: 0.02

Note that MAD-X workspace is case insensitive and everything is “global” (no scope, namespaces), hence the quadrupole element has to be directly available inside the MADX environment. Moreover, the MADX object adds the method load to extend load_env and ease the conversion of MAD-X lattices. For more details see MADX.
