
The choice of the scripting language for MAD-NG was sixfold: the simplicity and the completeness of the programming language, the portability and the efficiency of the implementation, and its easiness to be extended and embedded in an application. In practice, very few programming languages and implementations fulfill these requirements, and Lua and his Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler LuaJIT were not only the best solutions but almost the only ones available when the development of MAD-NG started in 2016.

Lua and LuaJIT

The easiest way to shortly describe these choices is to cite their authors.

“Lua is a powerful, efficient, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It supports procedural programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, data-driven programming, and data description. Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed and has automatic memory management with incremental garbage collection, making it ideal for configuration, scripting, and rapid prototyping.” [1]

“LuaJIT is widely considered to be one of the fastest dynamic language implementations. It has outperformed other dynamic languages on many cross-language benchmarks since its first release in 2005 — often by a substantial margin — and breaks into the performance range traditionally reserved for offline, static language compilers.” [2]

Lua and LuaJIT are free open-source software, distributed under the very liberal MIT license.

MAD-NG embeds a patched version of LuaJIT 2.1, a very efficient implementation of Lua 5.2.[3] Hence, the scripting language of MAD-NG is Lua 5.2 with some extensions detailed in the next section, and used for both, the development of most parts of the application, and as the user scripting language. There is no strong frontier between these two aspects of the application, giving full access and high flexibility to the experienced users. The filename extension of MAD-NG scripts is .mad.

Learning Lua is easy and can be achieved within a few hours. The following links should help to quickly become familiar with Lua and LuaJIT:

Lua primer

The next subsections introduce the basics of the Lua programming language with syntax highlights, namely variables, control flow, functions, tables and methods.[4]


n = 42  -- All numbers are doubles, but the JIT may specialize them.
-- IEEE-754 64-bit doubles have 52 bits for storing exact int values;
-- machine precision is not a problem for ints < 1e16.

s = 'walternate'  -- Immutable strings like Python.
t = "double-quotes are also fine"
u = [[ Double brackets
       start and end
       multi-line strings.]]
v = "double-quotes \z

     are also fine" -- \z eats next whitespaces
t, u, v = nil  -- Undefines t, u, v.
-- Lua has multiple assignments and nil completion.
-- Lua has garbage collection.

-- Undefined variables return nil. This is not an error:
foo = anUnknownVariable  -- Now foo = nil.

Control flow

-- Blocks are denoted with keywords like do/end:
while n < 50 do
  n = n + 1  -- No ++ or += type operators.

-- If clauses:
if n > 40 then
  print('over 40')
elseif s ~= 'walternate' then  -- ~= is not equals.
  -- Equality check is == like Python; ok for strs.
  io.write('not over 40\n')  -- Defaults to stdout.
  -- Variables are global by default.
  thisIsGlobal = 5  -- Camel case is common.
  -- How to make a variable local:
  local line =  -- Reads next stdin line.
  -- String concatenation uses the .. operator:
  print('Winter is coming, '..line)

-- Only nil and false are falsy; 0 and '' are true!
aBoolValue = false
if not aBoolValue then print('was false') end

-- 'or' and 'and' are short-circuited.
-- This is similar to the a?b:c operator in C/js:
ans = aBoolValue and 'yes' or 'no'  --> ans = 'no'

-- numerical for begin, end[, step] (end included)
revSum = 0
for j = 100, 1, -1 do revSum = revSum + j end


function fib(n)
  if n < 2 then return 1 end
  return fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1)

-- Closures and anonymous functions are ok:
function adder(x)
  -- The returned function is created when adder is
  -- called, and captures the value of x:
  return function (y) return x + y end
a1 = adder(9)
a2 = adder(36)
print(a1(16))  --> 25
print(a2(64))  --> 100

-- Returns, func calls, and assignments all work with lists
-- that may be mismatched in length.
-- Unmatched receivers get nil; unmatched senders are discarded.

x, y, z = 1, 2, 3, 4
-- Now x = 1, y = 2, z = 3, and 4 is thrown away.

function bar(a, b, c)
  print(a, b, c)
  return 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42

x, y = bar('zaphod')  --> prints "zaphod  nil nil"
-- Now x = 4, y = 8, values 15,..,42 are discarded.

-- Functions are first-class, may be local/global.
-- These are the same:
function f(x) return x * x end
f = function (x) return x * x end

-- And so are these:
local function g(x) return math.sin(x) end
local g; g  = function (x) return math.sin(x) end
-- the 'local g' decl makes g-self-references ok.

-- Calls with one string param don't need parens:
print 'hello'  -- Works fine.


-- Tables = Lua's only compound data structure;
--   they are associative arrays, i.e. hash-lookup dicts;
--   they can be used as lists, i.e. sequence of non-nil values.

-- Dict literals have string keys by default:
t = {key1 = 'value1', key2 = false, ['key.3'] = true }

-- String keys looking as identifier can use dot notation:
print(t.key1, t['key.3']) -- Prints 'value1 true'.
-- print(t.key.3)         -- Error, needs explicit indexing by string
t.newKey = {}             -- Adds a new key/value pair.
t.key2 = nil              -- Removes key2 from the table.

-- Literal notation for any (non-nil) value as key:
u = {['@!#'] = 'qbert', [{}] = 1729, [6.28] = 'tau'}
print(u[6.28])  -- prints "tau"

-- Key matching is basically by value for numbers
-- and strings, but by identity for tables.
a = u['@!#']  -- Now a = 'qbert'.
b = u[{}]     -- We might expect 1729, but it's nil:

-- A one-table-param function call needs no parens:
function h(x) print(x.key1) end
h{key1 = 'Sonmi~451'}  -- Prints 'Sonmi~451'.

for key, val in pairs(u) do -- Table iteration.
  print(key, val)

-- List literals implicitly set up int keys:
l = {'value1', 'value2', 1.21, 'gigawatts'}
for i,v in ipairs(l) do  -- List iteration.
  print(i,v,l[i])        -- Indices start at 1 !
print("length=", #l)     -- # is defined only for sequence.
-- A 'list' is not a real type, l is just a table
-- with consecutive integer keys, treated as a list,
-- i.e. l = {[1]='value1', [2]='value2', [3]=1.21, [4]='gigawatts'}
-- A 'sequence' is a list with non-nil values.


-- Methods notation:
--   function tblname:fn(...) is the same as
--     function tblname.fn(self, ...) with self being the table.
--   calling tblname:fn(...) is the same as
--     tblname.fn(tblname, ...)       here self becomes the table.
t = { disp=function(s) print(s.msg) end, -- Method 'disp'
      msg="Hello world!" }
t:disp() -- Prints "Hello world!"
function t:setmsg(msg) self.msg=msg end  -- Add a new method 'setmsg'
t:setmsg "Good bye!"
t:disp() -- Prints "Good bye!"


The aim of the extensions patches applied to the embedded LuaJIT in MAD-NG is to extend the Lua syntax in handy directions, like for example to support the deferred expression operator. A serious effort has been put to develop a Domain Specific Language (DSL) embedded in Lua using these extensions and the native language features to mimic as much as possible the syntax of MAD-X in the relevant aspects of the language, like the definition of elements, lattices or commands, and ease the transition of MAD-X users.

Bending and extending a programming language like Lua to embed a DSL is more general and challenging than creating a freestanding DSL like in MAD-X. The former is compatible with the huge codebase written by the Lua community, while the latter is a highly specialized niche language. The chosen approach attempts to get the best of the two worlds.

Line comment

The line comment operator ! is valid in MAD-NG, but does not exists in Lua:[5]

local a = 1     ! this remaining part is a comment
local b = 2     -- line comment in Lua

Unary plus

The unary plus operator + is valid in MAD-NG, but does not exists in Lua:[5]

local a = +1    -- syntax error in Lua
local b = +a    -- syntax error in Lua

Local in table

The local in table syntax provides a convenient way to retrieve values from a mappable and avoid error-prone repetitions of attributes names. The syntax is as follows:

local sin, cos, tan in math      -- syntax error in Lua
local a, b, c in { a=1, b=2, c=3 }
! a, b, c in { a=1, b=2, c=3 }   -- invalid with global variables

which is strictly equivalent to the Lua code:

local sin, cos, tan = math.sin, math.cos, math.tan
local tbl = { a=1, b=2, c=3 }
local a, b, c = tbl.a, tbl.b, tbl.c
! local sin, cos, tan = math.cos, math.sin, math.tan   -- nasty typo

The JIT has many kinds of optimization to improve a lot the execution speed of the code, and these work much better if variables are declared local with minimal lifespan. This language extension is of first importance for writing fast clean code!

Lambda function

The lambda function syntax is pure syntactic sugar for function definition and therefore fully compatible with the Lua semantic. The following definitions are all semantically equivalent:

local f = function(x) return x^2 end  -- Lua syntax
local f = \x x^2                      -- most compact form
local f = \x -> x^2                   -- most common form
local f = \(x) -> x^2                 -- for readability
local f = \(x) -> (x^2)               -- less compact form
local f = \x (x^2)                    -- uncommon valid form
local f = \(x) x^2                    -- uncommon valid form
local f = \(x) (x^2)                  -- uncommon valid form

The important point is that no space must be present between the lambda operator \ and the first formal parameter or the first parenthesis; the former will be considered as an empty list of parameters and the latter as an expressions list returning multiple values, and both will trigger a syntax error. For the sake of readability, it is possible without changing the semantic to add extra spaces anywhere in the definition, add an arrow operator ->, or add parentheses around the formal parameter list, whether the list is empty or not.

The following examples show lambda functions with multiple formal parameters:

local f = function(x,y) return x+y end  -- Lua syntax
local f = \x x+y                        -- most compact form
local f = \x,y -> x+y                   -- most common form
local f = \x, y -> x + y                -- aerial style

The lambda function syntax supports multiple return values by enclosing the list of returned expressions within (not optional!) parentheses:

local f = function(x,y) return x+y, x-y end  -- Lua syntax
local f = \x,y(x+y,x-y)                      -- most compact form
local f = \x,y -> (x+y,x-y)                  -- most common form

Extra surrounding parentheses can also be added to disambiguate false multiple return values syntax:

local f = function(x,y) return (x+y)/2 end  -- Lua syntax
local f = \x,y -> ((x+y)/2)     -- disambiguation: single value returned
! local f = \x,y -> (x+y)/2     -- invalid syntax at '/'

local f = function(x,y) return (x+y)*(x-y) end -- Lua syntax
local f = \x,y -> ((x+y)*(x-y)) -- disambiguation: single value returned
! local f = \x,y -> (x+y)*(x-y) -- invalid syntax at '*'

It is worth understanding the error message that invalid syntaxes above would report,

file:line: attempt to perform arithmetic on a function value.

as it is a bit subtle and needs some explanations: the lambda is syntactically closed at the end of the returned expression (x+y), and the following operations / or * are considered as being outside the lambda definition, that is applied to the freshly created function itself…

Finally, the lambda function syntax supports full function syntax (for consistency) using the fat arrow operator => in place of the arrow operator:

local c = 0
local f = function(x) c=c+1 return x^2 end   -- Lua syntax
local f = \x => c=c+1 return x^2 end         -- most compact form

The fat arrow operator requires the end keyword to close syntactically the lambda function, and the return keyword to return values (if any), as in Lua functions definitions.

Deferred expression

The deferred expression operator := is semantically equivalent to a lambda function without argument. It is syntactically valid only inside table constructors (see Lua 5.2 §3.4.8): [5]

local var = 10
local fun = \-> var
! local fun := var  -- invalid syntax outside table constructors
local tbl = { v1 := var, v2 =\-> var, v3 = var }
print(tbl.v1(), tbl.v2(), tbl.v3, fun()) -- display: 10 10 10 10
var = 20
print(tbl.v1(), tbl.v2(), tbl.v3, fun()) -- display: 20 20 10 20

The deferred expressions hereabove have to be explicitly called to retrieve their values, because they are defined in a table. It is a feature of the object model making the deferred expressions behaving like values. Still, it is possible to support deferred expressions as values in a raw table, i.e. a table without metatable, using the deferred function from the typeid module:

local deferred in MAD.typeid
local var = 10
local tbl = deferred { v1 := var, v2 =\-> var, v3 = var }
print(tbl.v1, tbl.v2, tbl.v3) -- display: 10 10 10
var = 20
print(tbl.v1, tbl.v2, tbl.v3) -- display: 20 20 10


The ranges are created from pairs or triplets of concatenated numbers: [6]

start..stop..step   -- order is the same as numerical 'for'
start..stop         -- default step is 1
3..4                -- spaces are not needed around concat operator
3..4..0.1           -- floating numbers are handled
4..3..-0.1          -- negative steps are handled
stop..start..-step  -- operator precedence

The default value for unspecified step is 1. The Lua syntax has been modified to accept concatenation operator without surrounding spaces for convenience.

Ranges are iterable and lengthable so the following code excerpt is valid:

local rng = 3..4..0.1
print(#rng) -- display: 11
for i,v in ipairs(rng) do print(i,v) end

More details on ranges can be found in the Range module, especially about the range and logrange constructors that may adjust step to ensure precise loops and iterators behaviors with floating-point numbers.

Lua syntax and extensions

The operator precedence (see Lua 5.2 §3.4.7) is recapped and extended in Table 1 with their precedence level (on the left) from lower to higher priority and their associativity (on the right).

Table 1 Operators precedence with priority and associativity.








< > <= >= ~= ==






+ - (binary)



* / %



not # - + (unary)






. [] () (call)


The string literals, table constructors, and lambda definitions can be combined with function calls (see Lua 5.2 §3.4.9) advantageously like in the object model to create objects in a similar way to MAD-X. The following function calls are semantically equivalent by pairs:

! with parentheses                  ! without parentheses
func( 'hello world!' )              func  'hello world!'
func( "hello world!" )              func  "hello world!"
func( [[hello world!]] )            func  [[hello world!]]
func( {...fields...} )              func  {...fields...}
func( \x -> x^2 )                   func  \x -> x^2
func( \x,y -> (x+y,x-y) )           func  \x,y -> (x+y,x-y)


MAD-NG is based on Lua, a dynamically typed programming language that provides the following basic types often italicized in this textbook:


The type of the value nil. Uninitialized variables, unset attributes, mismatched arguments, mismatched return values etc, have nil values.


The type of the values true and false.


The type of IEEE 754 double precision floating point numbers. They are exact for integers up to \(\pm 2^{53}\) (\(\approx \pm 10^{16}\)). Values like 0, 1, 1e3, 1e-3 are numbers.


The type of character strings. Strings are “internalized” meaning that two strings with the same content compare equal and share the same memory address: a="hello"; b="hello"; print(a==b) -- display: true.


The type of tables, see Lua 5.2 §3.4.8 for details. In this textbook, the following qualified types are used to distinguish between two kinds of special use of tables:

  • A list is a table used as an array, that is a table indexed by a continuous sequence of integers starting from 1 where the length operator # has defined behavior. [7]

  • A set is a table used as a dictionary, that is a table indexed by keys — strings or other types — or a sparse sequence of integers where the length operator # has undefined behavior.


The type of functions, see Lua 5.2 §3.4.10 for details. In this textbook, the following qualified types are used to distinguish between few kinds of special use of functions:

  • A lambda is a function defined with the \ syntax.

  • A functor is an object [8] that behaves like a function.

  • A method is a function called with the : syntax and its owner as first argument. A method defined with the : syntax has an implicit first argument named self [9]


The type of coroutines, see Lua 5.2 §2.6 for details.


The type of raw pointers with memory managed by Lua, and its companion lightuserdata with memory managed by the host language, usually C. They are mainly useful for interfacing Lua with its C API, but MAD-NG favors the faster FFI [10] extension of LuaJIT.


The type of C data structures that can be defined, created and manipulated directly from Lua as part of the FFI [10] extension of LuaJIT. The numeric ranges, the complex numbers, the (complex) matrices, and the (complex) GTPSA are cdata fully compatible with the embedded C code that operates them.

This textbook uses also some extra terms in place of types:


An instance of any type.


A valid memory location storing some value.


A value used by control flow, where nil \(\equiv\) false and anything-else \(\equiv\) true.

Value vs reference

The types nil, boolean and number have a semantic by value, meaning that variables, arguments, return values, etc., hold their instances directly. As a consequence, any assignment makes a copy of the value, i.e. changing the original value does not change the copy.

The types string, function, table, thread, userdata and cdata have a semantic by reference, meaning that variables, arguments, return values, etc., do not store their instances directly but a reference to them. As a consequence, any assignment makes a copy of the reference and the instance becomes shared, i.e. references have a semantic by value but changing the content of the value does change the copy. [11]

The types string, function [12], thread, cpx cdata and numeric (log)range cdata have a hybrid semantic. In practice these types have a semantic by reference, but they behave like types with semantic by value because their instances are immutable, and therefore sharing them is safe.


The concepts are natural extensions of types that concentrate more on behavior of objects [8] than on types. MAD-NG introduces many concepts to validate objects passed as argument before using them. The main concepts used in this textbook are listed below, see the typeid module for more concepts:


An object that can be sized using the length operator #. Strings, lists, vectors and ranges are examples of lengthable objects.


An object that can be indexed using the square bracket operator []. Tables, vectors and ranges are examples of indexable objects.


An object that can be iterated with a loop over indexes or a generic for with the ipairs iterator. Lists, vectors and ranges are examples of iterable objects.


An object that can be iterated with a loop over keys or a generic for with the pairs iterator. Sets and objects (from the object model) are examples of mappable objects.


An object that can be called using the call operator (). Functions and functors are examples of callable objects.


Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation of the ecosystem of MAD-NG, which should help the users to understand the relatioship between the different components of the application. The dashed lines are grouping the items (e.g. modules) by topics while the arrows are showing interdependencies between them and the colors their status.


Fig. 1 MAD-NG ecosystem and status.
